Graphics by Cpl. Dalton Swanbeck | I MEF Information Group | 06.04.2020
Graphic illustration commemorating the launch of Falcon 9 on May 30th, 2020. The left side depicts retired Col. John Glenn, while the right side depicts retired Col. Douglas Hurley. Glenn was the first Marine astronaut in 1962, and Hurley's launch with the Falcon 9 maintains a tradition of Marine astronauts that has existed for 58 years. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic illustration by Cpl. Dalton......
Graphics by Cpl. Christopher Madero | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 06.03.2020
This graphic's intent was to refer Marines to MCO 5300.17A to give themselves (or a Marine they know) a guide on how to approach substance abuse. The center shows a Marine cutting his puppet strings - symbolizing that substances will no longer have control over him. (U.S. Marine Corps Illustration by Cpl. Christopher A. Madero) (This graphic was made using Adobe Illustrator techniques)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Everett Radcliffe | Marine Corps Installations East | 06.02.2020
This website button links Coronavirus information at the homepages of Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River. Created in Adobe Photoshop to enhance awareness and promote accurate knowledge throughout the social media services of the Department of Defense. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by Lance......
Graphics by Senior Airman Mary Begy | 507th Air Refueling Wing | 06.02.2020
Promotions from the 507th Air Refueling Wing enlisted ranks June 3, 2020, at Tinker Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Mary Begy)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Athena McMurry | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island | 06.02.2020
Layout and design created using Adobe Photoshop, on MCRD Parris Island. This illustration was created to inform viewers of the CDC recommendation to stay 6ft apart. (U.S. Marine Corps Layout and Design by LCpl Athena R. McMurry/ Released)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Cassandra Workman | 2nd Marine Logistics Group | 06.01.2020
Infographic for additional political guidance for service members in accordance with MARADMIN 662/19 and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Lance Cpl. Cassandra Ward)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Devin Darden | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island | 06.01.2020
'We Make Marines' graphic shows the intensity of recruit training and how the drill instructor leads the charge. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Lance Cpl. Devin Darden)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 3rd Class Trey Fowler | U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet | 06.01.2020
The 49th Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) exercise logo.