Graphics by Senior Airman Max Miller | 2nd Bomb Wing | 04.13.2020
This graphic was created as a thumbnail for a message from Col. Mike Miller, 2nd Bomb Wing Commander, about Barksdale's response and plan moving forward for COVID-19. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Lillian Miller...
Graphics by Senior Airman Max Miller | 2nd Bomb Wing | 04.13.2020
This graphic was created as a thumbnail for the Real Talk series. The Real Talk series consisted of a medical professional, chaplain and mental health professional discussing COVID-19 resiliency. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Lillian Miller)...
Graphics by Wesley Farnsworth | 88th Air Base Wing | 04.13.2020
A graphic informing people of their need for a face mask when visiting the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base visitors control center, or the military personnel flight for an ID card. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Wesley Farnsworth)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Shannon Gibson | III MEF Information Group | 04.13.2020
This infographic details safe activities to conduct while outside to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (U.S. Marine Corps design by LCpl. Shannon Gibson)....
Graphics by Crystal Housman | California National Guard Primary | 04.12.2020
Service Speaks social media spotlight on Spc. Vanessa Braum, of the California Army National Guard Medical Detachment. Published April 12, 2020. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by Staff Sgt. Crystal Housman) U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Kimberly Hill...
Graphics by Charo Gutierrez | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 04.10.2020
Mockup for COVID-19 Face Mask Coverings Materials Social Media Graphic. Graphic was used on the official USAF Instagram and Facebook accounts. Downloadable graphics avaiable on (U.S. Air Force Graphic by Rosario "Charo" Gutierrez)...
Graphics by Cristina Piosa | U.S. Army Garrison Italy | 04.10.2020
At the first peak of COVID-19 in Fort Benning, the garrison and DeCA teamed up to inform all patrons on correct wearing of face masks....
Graphics by Charles Wolf | Marine Corps Base Quantico | 04.10.2020
Illustration shows the challenges of teleworking when the entire family is quarantined in the house. CorpsToons shows personnel trying to conduct a professional conference call while still maintaining a family atmosphere playing hide and seek. (U.S. Marine Corps Illustration by Charles Wolf)...