Graphics by Randy Tisor | U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command | 04.08.2020
The Secretary of the Army and the Army Chief of Staff recognized two Tank-automotive and Armaments Command organizations with Army Awards of Excellence in Safety. Watervliet Arsenal received the Army Exceptional Organization Safety Award and Red River Army Depot received the Industrial Operations Safety Award....
Graphics by Seaman Jimmy Ivy | Subase New London | 04.07.2020
200407-N-EJ843-0001 GROTON, Conn. (Apr. 7, 2020) A poster displaying various ideas that can help you stay physically distant and still connected with the outside world. Naval Submarine Base (SUBASE) New London continues measures such as increased hygiene protocols, facial coverings, and physical distancing when possible, to mitigate COVID-19 and ensure personnel are healthy and ready to......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Tenelle Marshall | 147th Attack Wing (Texas Air National Guard) | 04.07.2020
Guidelines graphic for protecting yourself from COVID-19.
Graphics by Tommy Brown | 502nd Air Base Wing | 04.07.2020
The Great Texas Airshow 2020 showcasing more than 40 military/ civilian aerial performers and demonstration teams from across our Nations’ military will be headlined by the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds. Performances include historic battle reenactments, an airfield take-over, and displays of future military might. Additional greatness includes a full-featured Science, Technology, Engineering,......
Graphics by Senior Airman Max Miller | 2nd Bomb Wing | 04.07.2020
This graphic was created to promote the Barksdale Wingman Line which is a 24/7 hotline for Airmen who need to talk to someone outside of their chain of command. Trained volunteers guide and help people gain access to all the resources available here at Barksdale. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Lillian Miller)...
Graphics by Master Sgt. Renae Pittman | U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa | 04.07.2020
Graphic illustration designed in Adobe Photoshop with a checklist to educate people on how to spot fake news from both traditional and social media news sources. The graphic was designed to be published on Twitter. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Master Sgt. Renae Pittman)...
Graphics by Master Sgt. Renae Pittman | U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa | 04.07.2020
Graphic illustration designed in Adobe Photoshop with a checklist to educate people on how to spot fake news from both traditional and social media news sources. The graphic was designed to be published on Facebook. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Master Sgt. Renae Pittman)...
Graphics by Charles Wolf | Communication Directorate | 04.07.2020
Marine Corps personnel are responsible for protecting the message, protecting the network and protecting the Fleet Marine Force. (U.S. Marine Corps illustration by Charles Wolf)...