Graphics by Lance Cpl. Franco Lewis | 2nd Marine Logistics Group | 09.10.2024
Political Campaigns and Activity Guidance Information Poster graphic made to inform Marines, Sailors and DoD Civilians on the proper ways to conduct themselves online and on social media platforms in accordance with the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. This graphic was made using Adobe Illustrator with the accompanying text being sourced from MARADMIN 086/26 and ALNAV 061/24. (U.S. Marine......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Franco Lewis | 2nd Marine Logistics Group | 09.10.2024
Political Campaigns and Activity Guidance Information Poster graphic made to inform U.S. Marines, Sailors and DoD Civilians on the proper ways to conduct themselves in and out of the workplace in accordance with the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. This graphic was made using Adobe Illustrator with the accompanying text being sourced from MARADMIN 086/26. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by......
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 09.10.2024
DEOMI's 2024 poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The observation of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is established by Public Law and Presidential Proclamation. National Disability Employment Awareness Month is observed from 1 - 31 October of each year. The awareness event is observed so that Americans may reaffirm commitment to ensuring equal......
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 09.10.2024
A website banner for National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2024. The observation of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is established by Public Law and Presidential Proclamation. National Disability Employment Awareness Month is observed from 1 - 31 October of each year. The awareness event is observed so that Americans may reaffirm commitment to ensuring equal......
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 09.10.2024
A screensaver banner for National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2024. The observation of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is established by Public Law and Presidential Proclamation. National Disability Employment Awareness Month is observed from 1 - 31 October of each year. The awareness event is observed so that Americans may reaffirm commitment to ensuring equal......
Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 09.10.2024
Are you interested in being recognized as the U.S. Navy’s commissioned technical leadership authority in diving and hyperbaric operations? If so, apply to the Diving Chief Warrant Officer Program. Refer to NAVADMIN 105/24 for full details and requirements at or MILPERSMAN 1210-145......
Graphics by Andy Hayes | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District | 09.09.2024
Map and WPA style artwork done for Okatibbee Lake in Collinsville, Mississippi
Graphics by David Clingerman | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.09.2024
A graphic created to celebrate the U.S. Air Force's 77th birthday, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024, for use on the 88th Air Base Wing's social media platforms at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. It usually marks the kick-off of the annual Air Force Marathon. (U.S. Air Force graphic created by David Clingerman)...