Graphics by Cpl. Dominique Osthoff | Marine Corps Installations East | 07.22.2019
This graphic celebrates the holiday of Labor Day at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and is federally observed on the first Monday of each September. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote harmony throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by Cpl. Dominique Osthoff)...
Graphics by Cpl. Dominique Osthoff | Marine Corps Installations East | 07.22.2019
This graphic celebrates the holiday of Labor Day at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River and is federally observed on the first Monday of each September. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote harmony throughout the MCAS New River social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by Cpl. Dominique Osthoff)...
Graphics by Cpl. Dominique Osthoff | Marine Corps Installations East | 07.22.2019
This graphic celebrates the holiday of Labor Day at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and is federally observed on the first Monday of each September. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote harmony throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by Cpl. Dominique Osthoff)...
Graphics by Cristina Piosa | U.S. Army Garrison Italy | 07.19.2019
Fort Benning Garrison and command response to the Army housing concern depicted in one infographic. The graphic was updated on a regular basis to reflect numbers of decreasing housing wait times....
Graphics by Petty Officer 1st Class Chris Williamson | Navy Talent Acquisition Group Mid America | 07.19.2019
190719-N-JH293-1001 ST. LOUIS (July 7, 2019) The official crest for Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Mid America. This crest is a culmination of inputs from command personnel and was voted to represent NTAG Mid America. The crest is used in several products and documents, ranging from ball caps to official letterhead. Within the outer blue ring, are four stars which symbolize the four......
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Robert Biermann | United States Space Command | 07.19.2019
Air Force officials selected 172 Air Forces Cyber staff sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant today.
Graphics by Vernon Greene | Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs | 07.19.2019
Apollo 11 moon landing 50th anniversary graphic by U.S. Air Force Vernon Greene.
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Robert Biermann | United States Space Command | 07.18.2019
Officials select 172 AFCYBER SSgts for promotion