Graphics by Senior Airman Rita Jimenez | 122nd Fighter Wing | 05.21.2019
This layout was digitally created using Photoshop. It was used as an advertisement for recruiting at the 122nd Fighter Wing. It was published in a program that was sold at the 2019 Fort Wayne Air Show June 8-9, 2019. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by SrA Rita Jimenez)...
Graphics by Airman 1st Class Ryan Mancuso | 59th Medical Wing | 05.20.2019
59 MDW Physical Medical Technician, A1C Brenda Barnhouse shares advise on what motivates her to give her all as a Warrior Medic each and every day....
Graphics by Seaman Jack Lepien | USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN 73) | 05.20.2019
A poster created May 20, 2019 using Adobe Illustrator that depicts the contents of a cigarette to be included alongside an anti-tobacco story in the weekly magazine "The Washington Surveyor", the official magazine of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73)....
Graphics by Capt. Daniel Parker | 210th Field Artillery Brigade | 05.18.2019
This graphic was developed as a flyer to fit the overall brand identity of 210th Field Artillery Brigade. It features a photo taken April 25, 2019, with the VIRIN 190425-A-UQ561-1219. (U.S. Army graphic by Capt. Daniel Parker)...
Graphics by William Jaster | 82nd Training Wing | 05.17.2019
Graphic was created in Adobe Photoshop with a combination of text, photos and graphic elements. Graphic was created as a header for the website article. Created to be used on Sheppard's AFB website and directed to the Sheppard community. PSD layers can be updated as needed to be used for other organizations....
Graphics by William Jaster | 82nd Training Wing | 05.17.2019
DORM and Housing Floor plan top views were created in 3ds Max, rendered and then combined with photos, graphic elements and text in Adobe Photoshop. Graphic was created as a mold prevention guide. Created to be used in social media and on Sheppard's AFB website and directed to the Sheppard community. PSD. layers can be updated as needed to be used for other organizations....