Graphics by Cpl. Justin Toledo | II MEF Information Group | 11.04.2018
Marine Air Ground Task Force Graphic created for the II MEF Information Group Social Media Pages, Nov. 4, 2018. Exercise Trident Juncture 18 enhances the U.S. and NATO Allies’ and partners’ abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions. (U.S Marine Corps Graphic By Cpl Justin X. Toledo)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Peter Fillo | II MEF Information Group | 11.04.2018
An infographic highlighting Force Recon Company, II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) Information Group, during Exercise Trident Juncture 18 4 Nov. 2018. Trident Juncture 18 enhances the U.S. and NATO Allies’ and partners’ abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Lance Cpl. Peter G. Fillo)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samuel Brusseau | Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz | 11.03.2018
“Number one thing for me was to keep my kids and girlfriend safe, it seemed all good at first but as the typhoon got worse my whole house got flooded and all my windows broke. not gonna lie I was scared man.” - Juan Tenorio ...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samuel Brusseau | Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz | 11.03.2018
“The storm came in so fast without much time to make too much preparations. Most of my home blew away, there was no power and no clean water for four days.” - John Masuli ...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samuel Brusseau | Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz | 11.03.2018
“I was lucky to be in the eye for most of it, but the problem was that the Typhoon stayed longer than anyone expected. Like it was a slow burner. I’m just happy not too many people got hurt.” - George B. Palican...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samuel Brusseau | Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz | 11.03.2018
“When me and my family started holding up in the house, the noises from the typhoon sounded like a nightmare. Thank god only my roof was torn up.” - Eugenio Segundo ...
Graphics by Cpl. Justin Toledo | II MEF Information Group | 11.03.2018
An Infographic highlighting Partnered Forces during Exercise Trident Juncture 18 Nov. 5, 2018. Exercise Trident Juncture 18 enhances the U.S. and NATO Allies’ and partners’ abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions. (U.S Marine Corps Graphic By Lance Cpl Peter G. Fillo)...
Graphics by Master Sgt. Adaecus Brooks | II MEF Information Group | 11.03.2018
An infographic highlighting the ground combat element of the Marine Air Ground Task Force during Trident Juncture 18 Nov. 3, 2018. Trident Juncture 18 enhances the U.S. and NATO Allies’ and partners’ abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Justin X. Toledo)...