Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Duncker | Naval Air Facility Atsugi | 08.06.2018
180806-N-YD204-0001 NAVAL AIR FACILITY ATSUGI, Japan (Aug. 06, 2018) Official organization logo for Naval Air Facility (NAF) Atsugi's Junior Sailor Association (JSA) / Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD). Product was created as part of a re-branding and expansion of the organization on the installation. Design elements of the logo pay respect to both the U.S. flag, with......
Graphics by Halle Thornton | 50th Space Wing | 08.06.2018
Questions like these will be part of the base's Unit Effectiveness Inspection in February. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Halle Thornton)...
Graphics by Airman 1st Class Valerie Seelye | 52nd Fighter Wing | 08.03.2018
An 8.5 by 11 inch poster to promote a resiliency event. The page was printed out by different units to encourage people to attend the event and share their personal stories. The outlines and shaded areas were hand-drawn with the pen tool. Created in Illustrator....
Graphics by lino espinoza | 502nd Air Base Wing | 08.02.2018
Innovation Trifold Cover
Graphics by Lara Poirrier | U.S. Army Recruiting Command | 08.01.2018
Graphic for promoting March 2 Success. Created in InDesign. The focus is what is available for March 2 Success. Designed for United States Army Recruiting. For Community Partners to use to spread awareness of the March 2 Success program. Credit - Lara Poirrier...
Graphics by Lara Poirrier | U.S. Army Recruiting Command | 08.01.2018
Graphic for promoting March 2 Success. Created in InDesign. The focus is on what is available for March 2 Success. Designed for United States Army Recruiting. For Community Partners to use to spread awareness of the March 2 Success program. Credit - Lara Poirrier...
Graphics by Lara Poirrier | U.S. Army Recruiting Command | 08.01.2018
Graphic for promoting March 2 Success. Created in InDesign. The focus is what is available for March 2 Success. Designed for United States Army Recruiting. For Community Partners to use to spread awareness of the March 2 Success program. Credit - Lara Poirrier...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Angel Oquendo | 156th Wing | 08.01.2018
A visual representation of key metrics from Beyond the Horizon 2018 - El Salvador, a Humanitarian/Training exercise from May through August 2018. During BTH2018, construction projects consisted of building two schools from-the-ground-up, plus extensions to two existing schools and an extension to the Zacatecoluca (pronounced Za-kah-te-co-lou-kah) Health Clinic in the county of La Paz.......