Graphics by Seaman Kyle Moore | USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) | 10.17.2017
171018-N-WG055-001 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct. 17, 2017) An illustration advertising Bold Alligator 2017 used in the weekly command magazine, "The Avenger" aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). The George H.W. Bush Strike Group is currently underway completing sustainment requirements as part of Exercise Bold Alligator '17. (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communication Specialist......
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Stephanie Longoria | National Air and Space Intelligence Center | 10.12.2017
The model shown in this video is notional, but represents a principal tool used to understand the capabilities of ballistic missile threat systems. Modeling and simulation allows National Air and Space Intelligence Center to assess a ballistic missile system in a physically consistent way which best matches available information. This product was created to help explain NASIC's......
Graphics by Glenn Robertson | 90th Missile Wing | 10.03.2017
This newsletter was created in InDesign as a newsletter to engage our local civic entities. The newsletter, published Oct. 3, 2017, shares events of the last three months with community partners. U.S. Air Force graphic by Glenn S. Robertson....
Graphics by Sgt. Rachel Prado | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 10.03.2017
Graphics reads title: CAMP PENDLETON CLEAN WATER - subtitle: NORTHERN SYSTEM - 1: Groundwater is pumped out of wells in the San Mateo and San Onofre Basins - 2: Water is disinfected using chlorine - 3: Water is distributed to users - subtitle: SOUTHERN SYSTEM - 1: Groundwater is pumped out of wells in the Las Flores and Santa Margarita River Basins - 2: Excess Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) are......
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Cole Keller | USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) | 10.01.2017
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower celebrates the U.S. Navy's 250th Birthday
Graphics by Gregory Hand | Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center | 10.01.2017
The digital art was created using Adobe Software and the focus of the art is AF civil engineers were just beginning to enter the computer age with the Base Engineer Automated Management System or BEAMS. With the support of key civil engineer leaders, Air Force Civil Engineering began to remake itself, emphasize professionalism, improve operations at the base level, transform bases into......
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Duncker | Naval Air Facility Atsugi | 10.01.2017
Infographic detailing the NAF Atsugi 2017 PFA Cycle 2 schedule.
Graphics by Maj. Vadim Timchenko | Georgia State Defense Force | 10.01.2017
Members of the Georgia State Defense Force, together with the United States Air Force, United States Public Health Service, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Georgia Department of Public Health, and Georgia Emergency Management Agency, participated the joint task force operations in support of Hurricane Maria relief efforts. From September 22nd......