Graphics by Chief Petty Officer Ben Farone | Naval Air Facility Atsugi | 06.01.2017
NAVAL AIR FACILITY ATSUGI, Japan (March 29, 2017) Naval Air Facility Atsugi Chief Petty Officers pose for a group photo to commemorate the 124th birthday of the Chief Petty Officer (U.S. Navy photo illustration by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ben Farone/Released)...
Graphics by Glenn Robertson | 90th Missile Wing | 06.01.2017
This graphic was created June 1, 2017 in InDesign to display the 150 year history of Fort D. A. Russell, F. E. Warren Air Force Base and the city of Cheyenne in images. U.S. Air Force graphic by Glenn S. Robertson....
Graphics by Christopher Desrocher | Airman Magazine | 05.30.2017
“Atlantic Trident” was a month-long exercise at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, focused on anti-access and aerial-denial missions, which were meant to place the U.S., British and French pilots in situations that tested their limits and capabilities. This illustration showcases the aircraft from the three countries used in the excercise. Article at......
Graphics by Chief Petty Officer Alexander Gamble | USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) | 05.26.2017
Best of the Best layout for June 2017 issue of the "SeventySixer" magazine. (U.S. Navy illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd class Charles J. Scudella III/Released)...
Graphics by Chief Petty Officer Alexander Gamble | USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) | 05.26.2017
Best of the Best layout for the June 2017 "SeventySixer". (U.S. Navy illustration by Mass Communication Specialist Charles J. Scudella III/Released)...
Graphics by Chief Petty Officer Alexander Gamble | USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) | 05.26.2017
"Best of the Best" sports layout for the June 2017 magazine, "SeventySixer". (U.S. Navy Illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Charles J. Scudella III/Released)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 3rd Class Charles J Scudella III | USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) | 05.26.2017
The layout for the article, Best of the Best, as featured in the June 2017 edition of the Navy's forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan's (CVN 76) magazine, The Seventy Sixer. (U.S. Navy Design Illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Charles J. Scudella III/Released) The layout .jpgs can be seen, in order, at /......
Graphics by Petty Officer 3rd Class Charles J Scudella III | USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) | 05.26.2017
The fourth page of the layout for the Best of the Best article, from the June 2017 edition of the Navy's forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan's (CVN 76) magazine, The Seventy Sixer. (U.S. Navy illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Charles J. Scudella III/Released)...