Graphics by Senior Airman Sarah Post | 90th Missile Wing | 04.05.2024
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and understanding of alcohol abuse. This graphic will be displayed on social media to share information about the month and the effects of alcohol abuse. This graphic was designed in Adobe Illustrator, April 3, 2024, at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Sarah Post)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alexandra Earl | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego | 04.05.2024
U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration to capture week nine of recruit training on Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California, April 15, 2024. Week nine consists of table two qualification day, the Copelands Assault Course, day and night land navigation, field skills, confidence chamber and written exam two. (U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration by Lance Cpl. Alexandra M. Earl) (This......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alexandra Earl | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego | 04.05.2024
U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration created to capture Hotel Company honor graduate, Lance Cpl. Andrew E. Jenkins from Dallas, Texas. The company honor graduate is the one Marine in his company who has demonstrated the highest degree of discipline, proficiency, bearing, physical fitness, and basic leadership traits that exemplify the highest standards of the United States Marine Corps. (U.S.......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alexandra Earl | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego | 04.05.2024
U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration created to capture Hotel Company honor graduate Lance Cpl. Andrew E. Jenkins from Dallas, Texas. The company honor graduate is the one Marine in his company who has demonstrated the highest degree of discipline, proficiency, bearing, physical fitness, and basic leadership traits that exemplify the highest standards of the United States Marine Corps. (U.S.......
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 04.05.2024
Poster about religious accommodation. Description: Along the top of poster are 3 cut outs of individuals. From left to right are a young man wearing a kippah, a young women wearing a hijab, and a young woman holding a bible. They are super imposed on a canvas textured background with a paint brush edge effect along its bottom. Overlayed on the background are religious symbols. The top......
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 04.05.2024
Poster promoting religious accommodation within the military. Featuring Capt. Simratpal Singh. Description: Image of Capt. Simratpal Singh offset to the right side of the poster. He is wearing an Army green service uniform with turban headwear. Singh is super imposed over a blurred black & white background. A yellow border outlines the poster background and sits behind Singh's......
Graphics by Ryan Henkel | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 04.05.2024
Each year, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum leads the Nation in commemorating Days of Remembrance. Days of Remembrance was established by the U.S. Congress to honor the lives of six million Jewish victims—as well as the millions of others killed—and the heroic liberators of the Holocaust. The occasion calls for reflection on, and vigilance against, hatred and genocide. The Nazis......
Graphics by Ryan Henkel | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 04.05.2024
Each year, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum leads the Nation in commemorating Days of Remembrance. Days of Remembrance was established by the U.S. Congress to honor the lives of six million Jewish victims—as well as the millions of others killed—and the heroic liberators of the Holocaust. The occasion calls for reflection on, and vigilance against, hatred and genocide. The Nazis......