Graphics by Tatiana Scharstein | Fort Sill Public Affairs | 03.28.2024
New posters by Fort Sill Public Affairs Office intern Tatiana Scharstein developed for use in Snow Hall and image library....
Graphics by Tatiana Scharstein | Fort Sill Public Affairs | 03.28.2024
New posters by Fort Sill Public Affairs Office intern Tatiana Scharstein developed for use in Snow Hall and image library....
Graphics by Tatiana Scharstein | Fort Sill Public Affairs | 03.28.2024
New posters by Fort Sill Public Affairs Office intern Tatiana Scharstein developed for use in Snow Hall and image library....
Graphics by Tatiana Scharstein | Fort Sill Public Affairs | 03.28.2024
New posters by Fort Sill Public Affairs Office intern Tatiana Scharstein developed for use in Snow Hall and image library....
Graphics by Alex Stevenson | 341st Missile Wing | 03.28.2024
This poster was created to commemorate the proclamation of “Purple Up! For Military Kids Day” April 12th, 2024, a day to encourage all personnel to show appreciation, support, and understanding to the military children in the local community. The imagery of a dandelion on the poster evokes the passing of knowledge from parent to child, as a seed drifts into the wind. Purple is used in......
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 03.28.2024
Poster to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and those who participated in the operation. Featuring a diverse collection of photographs of individuals who took part in D-Day....
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 03.28.2024
Poster to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and those who participated in the operation. Featuring portraits of individuals and teams that participated in the D-Day operation....
Graphics by Dylan Huff | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 03.28.2024
Poster to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and those who participated in the operation. Featuring various photos from D-Day....