Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
Embrace the beauty of a good night’s sleep! Celebrate #NationalSleepAwarenessWeek by learning how you can improve your sleep and feel more rested. Discover tips and tricks at Your well-rested self will thank you! #Sleep | #NSAW...
Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
Good nutrition isn't just about feeling great. It's a shield against illness, too! Discover the power of proper nutrition for your overall health and immunity. Learn more: #NationalNutritionMonth |#HealthyEating...
Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
Endometriosis doesn't discriminate. While it's most common in women aged 30-40, it can happen to anyone who has a period. Endometriosis can’t be prevented, but you can lower your risk. Find out more: #EndometriosisAwarenessMonth |#Endometriosis | #WomensHealth...
Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, let’s engage in meaningful conversations about substance use.
Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
Today, we honor the heroism and sacrifice of the brave service men and women who have earned the Medal of Honor. #NationalMedalOfHonorDay| #MedalOfHonor...
Graphics by Vance L Harris | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District | 01.30.2024
USACE Memphis District presentation folder used for congressional visits and new employee packages
Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
We must address brain health together. DOD now has a single brain health initiative touching all areas across operational and medical aspects of policy, emerging brain threats, cognitive monitoring, and research strategy. Brain health affects readiness, operational capability, and mission effectiveness. Learn more about brain health at
Graphics by Tanner Perry | Defense Health Agency | 01.30.2024
We must address brain health together. DOD now has a single brain health initiative touching all areas across operational and medical aspects of policy, emerging brain threats, cognitive monitoring, and research strategy. Brain health affects readiness, operational capability, and mission effectiveness. Learn more about brain health at