Graphics by Airman 1st Class Nathan Wingate | 127th Wing | 01.31.2024
This graphic was created to observe American heart month on Selfridge Air National Guard Base, January 31, 2024. American heart month is observed during February to promote healthy lifestyles. (Michigan Air National Guard graphic by Airman 1st Class Nathan Wingate)...
Graphics by Bill Evans | U.S. Air Force Academy | 01.31.2024
USAFA FRESHMEN Fourth-class or 4-degrees
Graphics by Bill Evans | U.S. Air Force Academy | 01.31.2024
USAFA Cadet Fitness Center Flyer
Graphics by Bill Evans | U.S. Air Force Academy | 01.31.2024
USAFA Masters Of The Air Pre-Screening Graphic
Graphics by Bill Evans | U.S. Air Force Academy | 01.31.2024
USAFA Masters Of The Air Pre-Screening Graphic
Graphics by Cpl. Breanna Tila | Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center | 01.31.2024
This U.S. Marine Corps digital art was created to be used as a sticker disseminated at the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area during King of the Hammers. KOH is an annual off-road event that combines desert racing and rock crawling. This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, Jan. 31, 2024. (U.S. Marine Corps digital art......
Graphics by Crystal Burns | 19th Airlift Wing | 01.31.2024
This poster, created in Adobe Illustrator, advertises the CLEAR Challenge +, an event held at Little Rock Air Force Base April 12, 2024 in honor of Sexual Assault Prevention Month, Alcohol Awareness Month, Child Abuse Prevention Month, Financial Literacy Month and the Month of the Military Child. The event featured a tactical race and obstacle course. The posters were printed and installed......
Graphics by Pvt. Audrie Nelson | U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific | 01.31.2024
This graphic was created to showcase I Marine Expeditionary Force and its subordinate units. Headquartered at Camp Pendleton, California, I MEF is a dynamic and expeditionary force comprised of major subordinate unit commands such as I MEF Information Group, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Logistics Group, and 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. Additionally, the 11th, 13th, and 15th Marine......