Graphics by Senior Airman Juliana Todd | 908th Flying Training Wing | 01.08.2024
The 908th AW 2023 Year in Review cover graphic is a graphic designed to accompany the 908th Airlift Wing 2023 Year in Review article, highlighting key events that happened in the 908th Airlift Wing during 2023. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Juliana Todd)...
Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 01.08.2024
Congratulations to the FY2023 Personnel, Manpower, and Training Retention Excellence Award winners from the NETC Domain. Your engaged leadership ensures that we retain the right Sailors to man the fleet....
Graphics by Senior Airman Juliana Todd | 908th Flying Training Wing | 01.07.2024
The 908th AW 2023 Year in Review Timeline graphic is an infographic designed to highlight key events that happened in the 908th Airlift Wing during 2023. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Juliana Todd)...
Graphics by Senior Airman Kasie Faddis | 117th Air Refueling Wing | 01.07.2024
This Martin Luther King Jr. Day graphic was created for MLK Day 2024 at Sumpter Smith JNGB, Ala. for social media using Adobe Illustrator, Jan. 7, 2024. The graphic is superimposed over a photo of King with text from a quote and the date of the holiday. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by Senior Airman Kasie Faddis)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Kasie Faddis | 117th Air Refueling Wing | 01.07.2024
This Martin Luther King Jr. Day photo illustration was created for MLK Day 2024 at Sumpter Smith JNGB, Ala. for social media on Adobe Illustrator, Jan. 7, 2024. The graphic is superimposed over a photo of King with text from a quote and the date of the holiday. (U.S. Air National Guard photo illustration by Senior Airman Kasie Faddis)...
Graphics by Senior Airman Kate Bragg | 307th Bomb Wing | 01.07.2024
A graphic for social media created by using Canva to be used to remind members of the 307th Bomb Wing that the February UTA will be four days instead of two. The "Super" UTA will be conducted from February 1st through the fourth. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Kate Bragg)...
Graphics by Sgt. Taylor Zacherl | 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) | 01.06.2024
Graphic design for 4th Battalion Recruitment poster Jan. 6, 2024, on Camp " Bull" Simons, Florida. This poster was created to help 4th Battalion recruitment efforts. (Point of contact information has been censored using Photoshop.) (U.S. Army graphic by Sgt. Taylor Zacherl)...
Graphics by Debra Watts | Defense Contract Management Agency | 01.05.2024
Generic DCMA Facebook Cover Photo 3