Graphics by Alejandra Zier | 502nd Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Tackle waste this football season by Recycling Right! Please help stop contamination by never putting food, liquids, chip/snack bags, takeout/fast food containers, or soiled pizza boxes in a recycling container. Contact your Recycling Center: JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and JBSA-Camp Bullis, 210-221-4888; JBSA-Lackland and JBSA-Chapman Training Annex and Port San Antonio, 210-671-4800;......
Graphics by Porsha Auzenne | Fort Johnson Public Affairs Office | 09.19.2023
This graphic was created for Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day to put in the Fort Johnson Guardian. Marilyn Weisenburg, a Gold Star Mother, wrote the original article. Summarized tips from Weisenburg's article were used in the graphic as tips for loved ones on how they can support Gold Star Mothers and Families. This graphic was created in Adobe Illustrator. Elements used from......
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Jess Petersen is the women's marathon 3rd place finisher at the 2023 Air Force Marathon. (Photo by Jaima Fogg, Digital Art by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Jess Petersen is the women's marathon 3rd place finisher at the 2023 Air Force Marathon. (Photo by Jaima Fogg, Digital Art by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Jess Petersen is the women's marathon 3rd place finisher at the 2023 Air Force Marathon. (Photo by Jaima Fogg, Digital Art by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Jess Petersen is the women's marathon 3rd place finisher at the 2023 Air Force Marathon. (Photo by Jaima Fogg, Digital Art by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Margaux Curcuru is the women's marathon 2nd place finisher at the 2023 Air Force Marathon. (Digital Art by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 09.19.2023
Margaux Curcuru is the women's marathon 2nd place finisher at the 2023 Air Force Marathon. (Digital Art by Wilbur Wood)...