Graphics by Sgt. JVonnta Taylor | 3d Marine Division | 09.11.2023
An organization poster chart created for 3d Littoral Logistics Battalion (3d LLB), 3d Marine Littoral Regiment, 3d Marine Division at Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan, July 26, 2023. The mission of 3d LLB is to provide tactical logistics and explosive ordnance disposal support in order to sustain regimental operations across the competition continuum. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Sgt. JVonnta......
Graphics by Sgt. JVonnta Taylor | 3d Marine Division | 09.11.2023
An organization poster chart created for 3d Littoral Combat Team, 3d Marine Littoral Regiment, 3d Marine Division on July 26, 2023, at Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan. The mission of 3d LCT is to conduct reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, employing and enabling multi-domain fires, and establishing expeditionary sites in order to support maritime campaign across the competition continuum.......
Graphics by Michael Linan | Texas Military Department | 09.11.2023
Graphics by Michael Linan | Texas Military Department | 09.11.2023
Photoshop file for a September 11th social media graphic
Graphics by Cpl. Kree Laing | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 09.11.2023
Marine Corps Installations Pacific celebrates the birthday of the United States Air Force. September 18, 2023 marks the 76th Birthday the United States Air Force. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Sgt. Kree Laing)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. David Intriago | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 09.11.2023
Layout and Design poster to welcome attendees to the annual U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ball in New Orleans, Louisiana, hosted by Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces South. (U.S. Marine Corp graphic by Lance Cpl. David A. Intriago)....
Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 09.11.2023
#NETC executes its mission across three pillars: Building Trust, Increasing Performance and Closing Gaps.
Graphics by Porsha Auzenne | Fort Johnson Public Affairs Office | 09.11.2023
A graphic done in honor of 9/11. The photos featured are a collage of photos from the ceremony on Sept. 11. Elements used from Adobe Stock with authorized license. (U.S. Army graphic by Porsha Auzenne)...