Graphics by Airman 1st Class Victoria Jewett | 156th Wing | 06.07.2023
This graphic was created for the 156th Wing's social media accounts for Juneteenth at Muñiz Air National Guard Base, Carolina, Puerto Rico, June 07, 2023. This graphic was created with Adobe InDesign. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by Airman 1st Class Victoria Jewett)...
Graphics by Airman 1st Class Kevin Martinez | 366th Fighter Wing | 06.07.2023
Infographic that briefly explain OPSEC and good practices to protect information. (U.S. Air Force Graphic by Airman 1st Class Kevin Martinez)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samwel Tabancay | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 06.07.2023
Layout and Design created for 4th Marine Logistics Group, Marine Forces Reserve in support of the Modern Day Marine Expo, created in Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans on June 7, 2023. The mission of the 4th MLG is to provide general and direct support plus sustained combat service support above and beyond the organic capabilities of the support elements of Marine Air-Ground Task Forces......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samwel Tabancay | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 06.07.2023
Layout and Design created for Marine Innovation Unit, Marine Forces Reserve in support of the Modern Day Marine Expo, created in Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans, June 7,2023. Headquartered in New York, MIU is an all-volunteer team from diverse backgrounds working in advanced technology, academia, and makerspaces. Each unit member is team-oriented and strives to modernize the Marine......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samwel Tabancay | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 06.07.2023
Layout and Design created for Force Headquarter Group, Marine Forces Reserve in support of the Modern Day Marine Expo, created in Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans, June 7,2023. The mission of the MARFORRES FHG is to command and control force-level SMCR units and the Marine Corps Individual Reserve Support Activity (MCISRA), in delegated support of Commander, Marine Force Reserve's......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samwel Tabancay | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 06.07.2023
Layout and Design created for 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine Forces Reserve in support of the Modern Day Marine Expo, created in Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans, June 7,2023. The mission of MARFORRES 4th MAW is to augment, reinforce, and sustain the active component with operational aircraft wing under a total force construct. The unit is Headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana.......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Samwel Tabancay | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 06.07.2023
Layout and Design created for 4th Marine Division, Marine Forces Reserve in support of the Modern Day Marine Expo, created in Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans, June 7,2023. The division is tasked with providing trained combat and combat support personnel and units to augment and reinforce the active component in time of war, national emergency, and at other times as national security......
Graphics by Cheryl Jamieson | Defense Contract Management Agency | 06.07.2023
Emily Craig is a quality assurance specialist at DCMA Pittsburgh. She has been with the agency for four years.