Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alicia Shores | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 03.22.2023
The graphic reads “INVEST IN OUR PLANET; EARTH DAY 2023; MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON; WAYS TO INVEST IN OUR PLANET; SWITCH TO REUSABLE BAGS; More Ways to Invest In Our Planet:”. The graphical elements include large green and white lettering for the text, this year’s Earth Day logo, a white silhouette graphic of......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alicia Shores | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 03.22.2023
The graphic reads “INVEST IN OUR PLANET; EARTH DAY 2023; MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON; WAYS TO INVEST IN OUR PLANET; GO PAPERLESS WITH BILLS & STATEMENTS; More Ways to Invest In Our Planet:”. The graphical elements include large green and white lettering for the text, this year’s Earth Day logo, a white......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alicia Shores | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 03.22.2023
The graphic reads “INVEST IN OUR PLANET; EARTH DAY 2023; MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON; WAYS TO INVEST IN OUR PLANET; COMMUNITY CLEAN-UPS, More Ways to Invest In Our Planet:”. The graphical elements include large green and white lettering for the text, this year’s Earth Day logo, a white silhouette graphic of......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alicia Shores | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 03.22.2023
The graphic reads “INVEST IN OUR PLANET; EARTH DAY 2023; MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON; WAYS TO INVEST IN OUR PLANET; PICK UP TRASH WHILE RUNNING, More Ways to Invest In Our Planet:”. The graphical elements include large green and white lettering for the text, this year’s Earth Day logo, a white silhouette graphic......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Efren DonJuan Pedraza | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 03.22.2023
The graphic reads “CAMP PENDLETON; WEATHER IMPACT” The graphical elements include the Camp Pendleton logo inside of an exclamation mark, a warning sign, and text in a bold color background includes clouds. This product was created in support of Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton’s initiative to keep personnel informed of any changes that occur on the base.......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Efren DonJuan Pedraza | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 03.22.2023
The graphic reads “CAMP PENDLETON; ROAD IMPACT” The graphical elements include the Camp Pendleton logo inside of an exclamation mark, a warning sign, and text in a bold color background includes a road going off to the distance. This product was created in support of Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton’s initiative to keep personnel informed of any changes......
Graphics by Chief Petty Officer Diana Quinlan | Navy Talent Acquisition Group Philadelphia | 03.22.2023
230322-N-WF272-1002 PHILADELPHIA (March 22, 2023) A graphic illustration designed to celebrate the U.S Navy rate of Chief Petty Officer (CPO), which was officially established April 1, 1893. The graphic was created using Adobe Photoshop. (U.S. Navy graphic by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Diana Quinlan)...
Courtesy Graphics | 1st Marine Division | 03.22.2023
A vectorized version of the logo for 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, made in Adobe Illustrator. (United States Marine Corps graphic)...