Graphics by Lance Cpl. Madison Blackstock | 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing | 01.01.2023
The official logo for 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing.
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jennifer Benedict | USS Nimitz (CVN 68) | 01.01.2023
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) year in review photo collage. (U.S. Navy illustration by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Jennifer Benedict)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 1st Class Jeanette Mullinax | Chief of Naval Personnel | 01.01.2023
A 16-page abbreviated booklet intended to communicate the Chief of Naval Personnel's Communication Strategy 2023 for Navy leaders. The goals and information presented are based on research conducted by the Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs team in 2022. The design was completed in Adobe InDesign and exported as PDF Pages. (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Sebastian Rothwyn | 369th Sustainment Brigade | 01.01.2023
The graphic reads "SUSTINENDUM VICTORIAM; U.S. ARMY LOGISTICS CORPS ESTABLISHS JANUARY 1, 2008; HAPPY NEW YEAR -2023-; FROM THE 369TH SUSTAINMENT BRIGADE". The graphical elements include large-sized lettering for the main text, a photo of Soldiers in sustainment operations moving cargo as the background, the logistics corps logo superimposed on the cargo box in the upper left hand......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Mahsima Alkamooneh | Minnesota National Guard | 12.31.2022
The graphic reads “Celebrating Military Appreciation Month” and was designed using Adobe Photoshop. The graphic includes a photo collage of Minnesota National Guard service members in the shape of the state. This graphic was created for use on social media. (Minnesota National Guard photo illustration by Staff Sgt. Mahsima Alkamooneh)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Jerreht Harris | 1st Combat Camera Squadron | 12.31.2022
Layout design for Operation Christmas Drop 2022. Operation Christmas Drop is the longest-running Department of Defense humanitarian mission that delivers critical aid to island communities throughout the western Pacific while also providing an opportunity for aircrew to hone important skills needed for future operations. (U. S. Air Force Graphic By: Staff Sgt. Jerreht Harris)...
Graphics by Senior Airman Cheyenne Bassham | 366th Fighter Wing | 12.31.2022
A graphic designed to commemorate Presidents' Day. (U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Senior Airman Cheyenne Bassham)...
Graphics by Senior Airman Cheyenne Bassham | 366th Fighter Wing | 12.31.2022
A logo for the 366th Fighter Wing Public Affairs office. (U.S. Air Force identity design by Senior Airman Cheyenne Bassham)...