Graphics by Christopher Nititham | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 08.02.2022
This video describes a technique that helps one to control their emotions by viewing the scene as is they were in the audience. This way, one can observe their emotions, acknowledge them and let them pass without reacting negatively. This video was created with Adobe Photoshop with hand-drawn illustrations and animated in Adobe After Effects....
Graphics by Spc. Hassani Ribera Soto | 113th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.02.2022
Meet U.S. Army Cpl. Francisco Guerra, an infantryman assigned to Chaos Company, 1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. From Denver, Colorado, Guerra has served for 3 years. “I serve to provide a better future for my family and I. Being an immigrant to the United States, I also want to give back to the country that offered my family a......
Graphics by Spc. Hassani Ribera Soto | 113th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.02.2022
Meet U.S. Army Pfc. Chase Francis, a tanker assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. A Shelby, North Carolina-native, Francis is only beginning his career. “The reason I serve is to carry my family’s legacy. I am always trying to challenge myself, so I figured the Army would be one, if not my greatest......
Graphics by Joseph Kumzak | U.S. Army Medical Command | 08.02.2022
Happy 232nd Birthday U.S. Coast Guard
Graphics by David Johnson | Fort Sill Public Affairs | 08.02.2022
New PAO branding posters addressing suicide awareness.
Graphics by Spc. Hassani Ribera Soto | 113th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.02.2022
Meet U.S. Army Staff Sgt. John Sciara, a squad leader assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. “The reason I serve is pride in my country. I love mentoring young Soldiers and developing new Army leaders. Also, to make positive change in the Army and in the world.” (U.S. Army National Guard photo illustration by......
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Dakota David | Defense Media Activity - Navy Production Division | 08.01.2022
This graphic was created using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator 1 August, 2022 for use in the August 2022 Fleet Edition issue of All Hands Magazine....
Graphics by Christopher Nititham | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 08.01.2022
This video describes a technique that can be used to snap out of a negative thought spiral and help keep things in perspective by considering how one will feel in 5 weeks, 5 months and 5 years from the event. This video was created with Adobe Photoshop with hand-drawn illustrations and animated in Adobe After Effects....