Graphics by Justin Moeller | Blanchfield Army Community Hospital | 05.05.2022
Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Nurses explain what nursing is to them
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Ryan Rayno | 181st Multifunctional Training Brigade | 05.05.2022
The First Army Best Warrior Competition will be held May 10-13, 2022, at Fort McCoy, Wis. The winner of the competition will represent First Army in the U.S. Army Forces Command Best Warrior Competition. (U.S. Army graphic by Staff Sgt. Ryan Rayno)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Natalie Greenwood | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 05.05.2022
III Marine Expeditionary Force urges Marines to not drink and drive with the Career Wasted Campaign on May 5, 2022. In Japan, the legal blood alcohol content limit to operate a motor vehicle is .03 whereas the United States' BAC is .08. One drink may put you over the limit so it's advised to avoid the risk altogether. (U.S. Marine Corps Illustration by LCpl. Natalie Greenwood) (This......
Graphics by Cpl. Sarah Taggett | III MEF Information Group | 05.04.2022
This is a vector of a M16A4 service rifle. (U.S. Marine Corps Graphic by Cpl. Sarah E. Taggett)
Graphics by Alejandra Zier | 502nd Air Base Wing | 05.04.2022
This marquee design was created to disseminate time-sensitive command information, base-wide and mission essential information to base populace. JBSA welcomes Lt Gen and Mrs. Brian Robinson - incoming AETC Commander. May 2022 at JBSA-Randolph, Texas (U.S. Air Force graphic by Alejandra Zier)...
Graphics by Airman 1st Class Keira Rossman | 47th Flying Training Wing | 05.04.2022
An Adobe Illustrator graphic depicting ten tips to build mental resilience created May 4, 2022 and displayed on the Laughlin Air Force Base Facebook page for the purpose of supporting May mental health awareness. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman 1st Class Keira Rossman)...
Graphics by Cpl. Kree Laing | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 05.04.2022
This graphic was created to promote awareness for Mental Health. This graphic was created in Adobe Illustrator to highlight Mental Health Awareness Month. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Kree Laing)...
Graphics by Eileen Williamson | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division | 05.04.2022
Missouri Basin Mainstam System storage is currently 48.3 MAF, 7.8 MAF below the base of the Annual Flood Control and Multiple Use Zone. System storage is expected to remain in the Carryover Multiple Use Zone during 2022....