Graphics by Sgt. Simone Lara | 79th Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 06.18.2022
The 79th IBCT remembers and honors Juneteenth, the federal holiday marking the end of slavery in the United State. (U.S. Army graphic by Sgt. Simone Lara)...
Graphics by Sgt. Simone Lara | 79th Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 06.18.2022
The 79th Infantry Brigade Combat Team gives thanks to fathers on Fathers Day. (U.S. Army graphic by Sgt. Simone Lara)
Graphics by Derrick Williams | U.S. Army Materiel Command | 06.17.2022
A poster designed for the ongoing AMC Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program campaign to bring awareness to the SHARP program through all personnel involvement from Senior Leadership to the newest recruits, to the Civilian workforce. (U.S. Army graphic by Derrick Williams)...
Graphics by Alejandra Zier | 502nd Air Base Wing | 06.17.2022
Electronic marquee boards disseminate time-sensitive command information, base-wide & mission essential information to base populace. Free school supplies at Randolph’s Base Exchange, Texas. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Alejandra Zier)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Dennis Hoffman | 621st Contingency Response Wing | 06.17.2022
This graphic was created for a social media campaign highlighting the efforts of 621st Contingency Response Airmen who contributed to European Command’s mission to deliver cargo in the Eastern Europe area of operations. The graphic was created in Adobe Photoshop. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Tech. Sgt. Dennis Hoffman)...
Graphics by Capt. Emma Quirk | 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing | 06.17.2022
Explains the timeline for members and families traveling aboard Air Mobility Command's Patriot Express during a permanent change of station....
Graphics by Airman 1st Class Keira Rossman | 47th Flying Training Wing | 06.17.2022
An Adobe Illustrator graphic depicting a Juneteenth themed background with the face silhouettes of a man and woman created June 17, 2022 and displayed on the Laughlin Air Force Base Facebook page for the purpose of celebrating Juneteenth. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman 1st Class Keira Rossman)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Dennis Hoffman | 621st Contingency Response Wing | 06.17.2022
This layout and design graphic was created as part of a 621st Contingency Response Wing social media campaign for PRIDE month. Each graphic was uploaded to Facebook. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Staff Sgt. Dennis Hoffman)...