UMM QASR, Iraq (May 24, 2003)-- Riding on a U.S. Navy combat rubber raiding craft operated by the USS Chinook (PC-9), members of U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment 203, based in Yorktown, Va., approach the hulk of the motor vessel Hillah, an Iraqi dredge sunk in the Khawr 'Abd Allah just below Umm Qasr. Markings on the dredge's superstructure indicate it was previously boarded by a team from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Aquidneck (WPB 1309) on April 7, 2003. Coalition forces board the wrecksalong the waterway at regular intervals as part of the ongoing effort to ensure the waterway is safe for shipping. USCG photo by PA1 John Gaffney