(Sept. 13, 2007) ONBOARD THE USCGC BOUTWELL - The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Boutwell, stationed in Alameda, Calif., transfers over custody of the Lu Rong Yu 6007 fishing vessel to the China Coast Guard here on Thursday. The Lu Rong Yu 6007, was boarded and escorted to the China coast guard after being suspected of high seas drift net fishing. The Boutwell is currently traveling to Petropavlovsk, Russia, to represent the U.S. Coast Guard in the North Pacific Coast Guard Forum (NPCGF). This six-nation forum consisting of China, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Russia, and the U.S., was developed to prevent high seas drift net fishing as well as illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing. (Coast Guard photo by Seaman Alexander Luck)