ILWACO, Wash. - Chief Warrant Officer Christopher Smasne (left to right), Chief Petty Officer Richard Bartel, now Chief Petty Officer Travis Roloff, Mexican Naval Officers Lt. j.g. Alejandro Hernandez Guapo, Lt. j.g. Daniel Alexandro Soto Aleman, Lt. j.g. Jose Ramos Montiel, Lt. j.g. Arturo Morales Desachy, and Petty Officer 2nd Class Conor Bennett stand before the National Motor Lifeboat School in Ilwaco, Apr. 27, 2012, after a graduation ceremony held at the school.All four Mexican Naval Officers graduated from the introductory 47-foot motor lifeboat coursetaught at the school Apr. 16-27, 2012.U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Nate Littlejohn