British Army Lt. Gen. Sir Edward Smythe-Osbourne, commander of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, holds a guidon on South Cerney, United Kingdom, Nov. 19, 2020, during a ceremony marking the ARRC's combat readiness. Smythe-Osbounre was accompanied by Canadian Army Warrant Officer Kevin J. Mathers and U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier Jr., the command team of the Allied Land Command from Izmir, Turkey; and ARRC Command Sergeant Major Stuart Davies. The ARRC was declared ‘combat ready’ after passing their combat readiness evaluation or CREVAL. The ARRC was presented with NATO’s new ‘warfighting guidon’, which it will now hold throughout its tenure as NATO’s War Fighting Corps at readiness until January 2022. (Photo by British Army Warrant Officer 2 Jamie Peters)