Canadian-built remote manipulator system RMS arm and end effector its hand-like device are seen in this photo of the Columbia's cargo bay during the RMS's debut. About to be grappled by the end effector is the Induced Environment Contamination Monitor IECM Location experiment located in the center of the photo. There is a grapple fixture attached to the side of the IECM. Various components of the Office of Space Terrestrial Applications OSTA-1 payload are seen near the aft section of the cargo bay, such as the Feature Identification and Location Experiment FILE the long cone shaped object on the right back, the Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer SMIRR on pallet base and the SIR-A recorder in the right forground. In the left foreground the Shuttle Imaging Radar-A SIR-A antenna can be seen.