Five NASA astronauts and two scientists serving as payload specialists have been named to fly aboard Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, for NASA's STS-40 mission. Astronaut Bryan D. O'Connor (rear left) is the mission commander, and Sidney M. Gutierrez (rear right) is the pilot. Others are (front, left to right) Payload Specialist F. Drew Gaffney, Payload Specialist Millie Hughes-Fulford, Mission Specialist (MS) M. Rhea Seddon, MS James P. Bagian, and MS Tamara E. Jernigan (rear center). The primary payload for this flight is Spacelab Life Sciences 1 (SLS-1) (note the model of the shuttle with the spacelab module and related hardware depicted). The crewmembers are wearing launch and entry suits (LESs). The crew insignia and the United States flag are displayed in the background.