View of Moon, Sabin, Ritter and Delambre Craters. In this view the twin craters of Sabine and Ritter are visible leading into the highlands between the Mare Tranquillitatis ''Sea of Tranquility'' and the Sinus Medii ''Central Bay. This image is part of a west looking high oblique sequence of images taken from the Command and Service Module (CSM) as it traveled at approximately 60 nautical miles (NM) orbital altitude above the Moon during the Apollo 11 Mission. This sequence has a 90-98% overlap and starts near 140 degrees East Longitude at the equator and continues to the nearside lunar terminator at 15 degrees East. Original film magazine was labeled P. Film Type: 3400 Panatomic-X Black/White taken with a 80mm lens. Principal Point Latitude and Longitude: Above Horizon. Forward overlap: 95%. Sun angle is Medium. Approximate Tilt Minimum is 80 degrees,Maximum is 85 degrees. Tilt direction is West (W).