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    When Cancer Screening is Needed –Naval Hospital Bremerton can Provide

    BREMERTON, Wash. - If a beneficiary is presented with the opportunity to take a screening to check for cancer most would automatically agree.

    Yet if it’s divulged that the examination is a colonoscopy, then that offer suddenly doesn’t sound so appealing.

    According to Lt. Cmdr. Steven J. Bernick, M.D. and NHB Division of Gastroenterology Head, there is a misconception associated with the procedure, which can be overcome with a little education and understanding, especially since March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

    “I find that the biggest fear is not the procedure itself, but the preparation. This is an important obstacle for many of my patients, but it need not be! There are a variety of preparation methods, all designed to purge the colon of stool. A clean colon is essential to allow for a careful examination for polyps and other abnormalities. We tend to use polyethylene glycol, which is split the day before and day of the procedure,” said Bernick.

    According to Bernick, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer among men and women, and is also the second most lethal, causing over 50,000 deaths per year. The American Cancer Society notes that in 2014, there were over 90,000 cases of colon cancer, and 40,000 cases of rectal cancer. In the United States, the lifetime risk is approximately 6 percent. This risk is increased even higher in certain individuals.

    Despite those daunting statistics, colorectal cancer is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer, simply by undergoing colorectal cancer screening.

    “Colorectal cancer arises from pre-cancerous polyps, known as adenomas that grow in the colon. When detected early, these polyps can be removed, halting their transformation to colorectal cancer. Thus colorectal cancer can be prevented, not just detected, which is a powerful tool. In fact, the development of up to 90 percent of colorectal cancer can be avoided through the early detection and removal of adenomas,” explained Bernick.

    There is a tricky part to the detection process. Bernick attests that there are often imperceptible signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer in the early stages of the disease.

    “This is why screening is so important. As the disease progresses, the symptoms will vary based upon the location. The most common symptom overall is rectal bleeding. Those cancers located in the left side of the colon can present in this way, along with constipation, abdominal pain, and obstructive symptoms. Right sided colon cancers are less likely to produce such symptoms, and instead may present with weakness, weight loss, anemia, or a vague ache in the abdomen,” Bernick said.

    The colon, also known as the large intestine, is a tubular organ in the lower portion of the digestive tract, approximately five feet in length. Its primary purpose is to solidify waste products from digestion into stool. Stool can then be stored in the rectum, which is the end portion of the colon, and eliminated when convenient.

    “Adenomas can grow for years without producing symptoms. By the time a person does become symptomatic, it is often too late, because the cancer may have spread deeper into the colon wall and possibly to other portions of the body. A colonoscopy can specifically identify adenomas to remove before they reach the point of transformation into colon cancer,” stated Bernick, adding that it is important for anyone to seek medical attention should they develop new abdominal pain, blood in the stool, or a variation from their normal bowel pattern such as constipation, diarrhea, or alteration in stool caliber or shape.

    Males have historically proven to get colorectal cancer earlier than females, but Bernick stresses that with a woman’s lifespan (on average) longer than a man, both sexes wind up being affected equally, and the lifetime risk is roughly the same.

    “Although colorectal cancer can strike at any age, the risk generally increases as we get older, with 93 percent of all cases occurring in persons 50 years of age or older. Our current recommendation is to begin screening at age 50 in those who are at average risk,” said Bernick.

    There are those who are at an increased risk for colorectal cancer based upon their family history. Those with first degree relatives - parents, children, or siblings - diagnosed with colorectal cancer under the age of 60, or with two first degree relatives irrespective of age, are at a two to six fold increased risk compared to the general population, says Bernick.

    “These individuals should begin screening earlier in life. In addition, individuals with a personal history of adenomas, or inflammatory bowel disease are at increased risk. Finally, recent evidence suggests that African Americans are at a slightly increased risk, and should begin screening at age 45,” Bernick said.

    There are a variety of screening options available at Naval Hospital Bremerton. For many beneficiaries, the simplest of these is a yearly test on a patient's stool that looks for hidden amounts of blood. This test must be completed regularly, and any positive test must be followed up with a complete structural examination of the colon with a colonoscopy.

    “Given that colon cancer is so common, many of my patients know someone who has been affected. Usually by the time they see me, they have already heard about a colonoscopy and have made up their mind to move forward with the procedure. As with other forms of cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening starts with a discussion with their primary healthcare provider to determine what test is right for them,” said Bernick.

    With March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, this presents a perfect opportunity to take that important step towards prevention.


    Date Taken: 03.21.2016
    Date Posted: 03.21.2016 12:25
    Story ID: 193049

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