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    TF 1-163 Infantry Awards Combat Badges at Mass Ceremony

    TF 1-163 Infantry Awards Combat Badges at Mass Ceremony

    Courtesy Photo | Members of TF 1-163 Infantry formed up to participate in the mass Awards Ceremony...... read more read more



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    FOB Warrior, Iraq - At a mass awards ceremony held August 9, 271 Soldiers, attached to or members of TF 1-163 Infantry, were presented a variety of awards and badges.

    The Awards Ceremony was held at Forward Operating Base (FOB) McHenry, before the entire Task Force and conducted by 116 Brigade Combat Team Commander, Brig. Gen. Alan Gayhart, who made all the presentations. Two Soldiers were presented the Army Commendation Medal with 'V' device; Staff Sgt. Frederick A. Haerter, Jr. and Sgt. Francis L. Boguslawski, Jr.

    Gayhart then presented 28 Soldiers with the Combat Medical Badge; Sgt. Thomas J. Basolo, Spc. Patrick W. Costea, Staff Sgt. Michael J. Creeden, Sgt. Jerry W. H. Davis, Spc. Wayne L. Hard, Spc. Joshua V. Heinemann, Spc. Brian J. Krantz, Spc. Lindsay L. Lambrecht, Spc. Jacob O. Lietz, Spc. Derek T. Lute, 1st Lt. Patrick B. McCabe, Spc. Levi A. McLaren, Spc. Corinne M. Newman, Spc. Charles W. Nichols, Sgt. Brian P. Ogorman, Sgt. Dirk Allen Robinson, Spc. Christopher A. Rojo, Spc. Matthew C. Satterlee, Sgt. Scott Lee Schroeder, Spc. Mark Caldwell Smith, Staff Sgt. Dean R. Sowers, Sgt. Sheldon K. Stace, 2nd Lt. John Lee Swanson, Jr., Spc. Robert L. Syvertson, Spc. Michael E. Viig, Spc. Lester C. Wigley, Spc. Kara M. Wortley, Pfc. Bryan Benjamin York.

    Six Soldiers received their Second Award of the Combat Infantry Badge; Master Sgt. Thomas L. Anderson, Sgt. 1st Class Dean A. Belcourt, Staff Sgt. Johnathan Knisley, Sgt. Daniel Robert Rowlan, Sgt. Ron Allen Trowbridge and Sgt. 1st Class John M. Wood.

    Here are the approximately 230 Soldiers who were presented the Combat Infantry Badge, First Award.

    Sgt. 1st Class Curt W. Aasved Staff Sgt. Peter J. Akey Spc. Aaron J. Andrade
    Sgt. John A. Arnold Spc. Etahn A. Bailey Spc. Jason J. Baker
    Spc. Alan E. Ballard Spc. Miles B. Baughman Pfc. Erik D. Beaman
    Spc. Travis K. Benton Spc. Johnathan E. Berger Spc. Raymond K. Beyl
    Spc. Jeremy R. Bishop Sgt. Richard G. Blackelk Spc. Jonathan E. Bogden
    Sgt. Thomas J. Bonnell Sgt. Matthew D. Boxmeyer Spc. Ryan T. Braaten
    Sgt. Sean D. Brannan Spc. Charlie O. Bruner Spc. Sam D. Bruner
    Spc. Lee J. Butterfield Spc. Dennis D. Campbell Sgt. Kent D. Cardwell
    1st Lt. Christopher A. Caron Spc. Robert J. Cassidy Sgt. Richard Chief
    Sgt. Justin C. Christman Staff Sgt. Daniel L. Clark Spc. David O. Cloninger
    Sgt. Jeremiah L. Collins Spc. Julian J. Contreraz Staff Sgt. Clay A. Cooper
    Spc. Casey L. Cote Spc. Joshua J. Crabtree Spc. Jeremy W. Crawford
    Spc. Aaron M. Croteau Spc. Dustin J. Crowe Spc. Marc D. Cruz
    Sgt. Jonathan B. Cullifer Spc. Colter L. Cumin Spc. Seth A. Dahl
    Sgt. Terrance E. Daniels Sgt. Anthony T. Dasilva Sgt. Jason J. Davis
    Sgt. Christopher M. Deavila Spc. Daniel B. Debates Sgt. Lawrence K. Deboo Jr.
    Sgt. Dennis A. Delano Spc. James C. Delger 1st Lt. Russel K. Desjardins
    Spc. Charles J. Dick Spc. Christopher J. Doering Spc. Brian H. Dubs
    Staff Sgt. Eric S. Dues Staff Sgt. Larry M. Dunlap Spc. Travis T. Ehret
    Spc. Howard P. Ereaux Sgt. Benjamin J. Ericksen Spc. Bacilio Escobedo
    Spc. David L. Evans Sgt. Jaime D. Evans Sgt. Corey C. Eveland
    Spc. Russell M. Ferguson Spc. Christopher W. Fifield Spc. Eric A. Flint
    Sgt. Nacoma L. Gainan Spc. Justin O. Geer 2nd Lt. Joe W. George
    Spc. Keith B. Gibbs Staff Sgt. Francisco Gonzales Sgt. Travis M. Gradl
    Pfc. Jason S. Griffith Staff Sgt. Frederick A. Haerter Jr. Pfc. John T. Hail
    Spc. Kenton D. Hamman Spc. Jake C. Hammel Spc. Evin L. Hansen
    1st Lt. Sean A. Hardy Sgt. Ryan J. Harper Staff Sgt. David W. Harris
    Spc. Matthew H. Hastings Sgt. Arthur A. Hazen Staff Sgt. Earl B. Heavyrunner
    Sgt. 1st Class Peter G. Heidt Sgt. Jason W. Hendrickson Spc. Aaron L. Hetzer
    Sgt. Randy J. Hiatt Pfc. Chet M. Hoerner Spc. Brian M. Hogan
    Staff Sgt. Nathan L. Hoppe Maj. Theodore J. Hull Staff Sgt. Allen C. Hunt
    Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth L. Huston Spc. Bradley C. Hutchison Sgt. Joseph W. Jackson
    Spc. Jack D. Jenkins Sgt. Marques L. Jones Spc. Chase S. Justice
    2nd Lt. Daniel C. Kaneff Spc. Michael A. Keenan Spc. Eric L. Kellar
    Staff Sgt. Ronald P. Kentzel Jr. Spc. Trenton J. Kessler Sgt. Bronson W. Kimberling
    Sgt. Floyd J. Kippenhan Sgt. Travis D. Kirchdoerfer Spc. Kian K. Kjersten
    Spc. Wade S. Klein Spc. Darren R. Kuck Spc. Jeffery M. Ladd
    Sgt. David M. Landeck Jr. Sgt. 1st Class Paul C. Larsen Spc. Aaron Kristen Lassila
    Sgt. Damon E. Lear Sgt. David J. Lee Spc. Michael Lee
    Spc. Robert J. Liming Sgt. Jacob W. Lindau Staff Sgt. Jeffrey A. Lindell
    Sgt. Travis L. Linneman Spc. Justin T. Long Sgt. Jose L. Lozano
    Capt. Thomas R. Luhrsen Staff Sgt. William J. Luhrsen Spc. Jeremy G. Lusk
    Staff Sgt. Harley E. Lysons Spc. Joseph M. Mack Capt. Tomas D. Maes
    Capt. Jason L. Magera Sgt. Joseph E. Mahe Spc. Michael R. Maki
    Staff Sgt. Thomas C. Malcomb Sgt. Greg E. Marchant Spc. Ned E. Marchant
    Pfc. Joseph A. Marsh Staff Sgt. Ian M. Martin 1st Lt. Robert W. McCrum
    Spc. Kellan C. MsDonald Spc. Shane A. Medley Spc. Tony D. Meineke
    Staff Sgt. Scott W. Mercier Sgt. Donald T. Meschke Spc. John R. Middlemas
    Spc. John S. Milesnick Pfc. Nathan J. Mora Capt. Michael K. Moreni
    Maj. Kelly S. Morris Spc. Toby J. Morrison Sgt. James A. Moses
    Pvt. Sean K. Moss Sgt. Dean M. Murray Sgt. Morgan E. Nelson
    1st Lt. David G. Newman Jr. Pfc. Jason J. Nickels Staff Sgt. James A. Niemeir
    Sgt. Kelly L. Nieskens Sgt. Timothy P. Nolan Spc. Aaron M. Novak
    Spc. Thomas G. Ortegel Spc. Derek G. Oshio Spc. Robert A. Owens
    Staff Sgt. Scott B. Owens Spc. Jacob M. Parker Staff Sgt. Joshua J. Paullas
    Spc. Jason D. Pekovitch Spc. Dean J. Pellacore Sgt. Dustin M. Peterson
    Sgt. Shane D. Peterson Sgt. Michael Petlovany Spc. Justin M. Pfau
    Staff Sgt. William G. Pinson Sgt. Joel A. Pitsch Sgt. Douglas E. Puchalski
    Spc. Jedidiah H. Reeves Spc. William M. Regan III Spc. Eric C. Reiss
    Pfc. Jake T. Reul Spc. Charles T. Riemer Jr. Master Sgt. Michael J. Riggleman
    Spc. Mitchell D. Robbins Spc. Joseph L. Robinson Pvt. John D. Roderick
    Sgt. Theron F. Roe Sgt. Jabez W. Rogers Sgt. Garrin L. Ryg
    Sgt. Nathan L. Salsbery Spc. Jacob H. Sanford Capt. Mark W. Sauvageau
    Spc. James A. Schott Spc. Dwight H. Score Spc. Jason M. Scott
    Spc. Christopher C. Sedgwick Spc. Jared M. Sharp Spc. Eric A. Shaw
    Spc. Ryan R. Sherwood Capt. William A. Shomento Sgt. Erik D. Simanton
    Sgt. Troy S. Simanton Staff Sgt. Luke E. Solomonson Sgt. 1st Class Todd A. Stewart
    Sgt. Randolph C. Stiles Spc. Joshua P. Stubb Spc. Brian J. Summers
    Sgt. Timothy J. Sweeten Spc. Keith S. Taylor Pfc. Brandon K. Torgenrud
    Sgt. Brian Trudgeon Staff Sgt. Todd A. Tryan Spc. Christopher C. Upchurch
    Pfc. Joshua T. Vandekop Staff Sgt. Darrell F. Vanderhoef Pvt. Cesar N. Velazquez
    Lt. Col. John E. Walsh Sgt. 1st Class Brian W. Weishaar Spc. Jerad L. Werning
    Spc. David A. West Sgt. William H. West IV Sgt. Kale M. Wetherell
    Spc. Trent M. White Sgt. James A. Winkle Staff Sgt. Morgan F. Witt
    Staff Sgt. Benjamin J. Wlaysewski Sgt. John F. Wolverton Sgt. Joel P. Wombolt
    Spc. Mark J. Woroniecki Pfc. Sunny Y. Yang Spc. Curtis B. Yarn
    Staff Sgt. James L. Zimmerman Jr.


    Date Taken: 08.15.2005
    Date Posted: 08.15.2005 16:16
    Story ID: 2725
    Location: KIRKUK, IQ

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