Federal Gazette
published by
the German Federal Ministry of Justice
and Consumer Protection
issued on Wednesday, 12 May 2021
BAnz AT 12.05.2021
German Federal Ministry of Health
for the protection against the risk of infection due to entry in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus after the German Bundestag has declared an epidemic situation of national significance
(Corona Entry Ordinance / Coronavirus-Einreiseverordnung – CoronaEinreiseV)
As of 12 May 2021
Based on § 36 paragraph 8 sentences 1 to 4 and paragraph 10 sentence 1 numbers 1, 2, letters a, b, c, d, g and i and number 3 of the Infection Prevention and Control Act, its paragraph 8 sentence 1 as amended by Article 1 number 3, letter a, double letter aa of the Act of March 29, 2021 (Federal Law Gazette Part I p. 370), its paragraph 8 sentence 2 as amended by Article 1, number 3, letter a, double letter bb of the Act of March 29, 2021 (Federal Law Gazette Part I p. 370), its paragraph 8 sentence 3 as inserted by Article 1 number 3 letter a double letter cc of the Act of March 29, 2021 (Federal Law Gazette Part I p. 370), its paragraph 8 sentence 4 as amended by Article 1 number 3 letter a double letter dd of the Act of March 29, 2021 (Federal Law Gazette Part I p. 370), and its paragraph 10 sentence 1 as amended by Article 1 number 3 letter c of the Act of March 29, 2021 (Federal Law Gazette Part I p. 370), the Federal Government decrees:
§ 1 – Purpose of the Ordinance 1
§ 2 – Definitions 1
§ 3 – Mandatory Registration 4
§ 4 – Isolation requirement 4
§ 5 – Certificates required 5
§ 6 – Exemptions 6
§ 7 – Submission and transmission obligations 8
§ 8 – Information obligations of transport companies 10
§ 9 – Obligations of carriers in connection with carriage 10
§ 10 – Transport ban from virus variant areas 11
§ 11 – Obligation of the carriers to provide information 12
§ 12 - Obligations of Cellular Phone Network Providers to Provide Information 12
§ 13 - Administrative Offenses 12
§ 14 - Entry into Force, Expiration 13
Part 1: General Provisions
§ 1 – Purpose of the Ordinance
The purpose of this Ordinance is to prevent at an early stage in the context of the entry of persons into the Federal Republic of Germany, infections with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and, in particular, with worrying virus variants of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in order to prevent its spread in the Federal Republic of Germany.
§ 2 – Definitions
For the purposes of this Ordinance:
1. Entry
Crossing the border of the Federal Republic of Germany by land, water or air from abroad; if the entry is made by a carrier, the planned first arrival with the possibility of disembarking in the Federal Republic of Germany; changing planes in the international transit area of an airport in order to continue traveling from one third country to another third country is not considered an entry
2. Entry portal
An electronic reporting and information system set up by the Robert Koch Institute in accordance with § 36 paragraph 9 sentence 1 of the Infection Prevention and Control Act at,
3. Risk area
An area outside the Federal Republic of Germany for which an increased risk of infection with corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has been identified by the Federal Ministry of Health in agreement with the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs:
a) High Incidence Area
A risk area if that risk area has been determined to have a particularly high incidence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spread,
b) Virus variant area
A risk area if certain variants of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have been found to be prevalent in that risk area;
the classification as a risk area only takes place at the end of the first day after publication of the determination by the Robert Koch Institute on the Internet at the address,
4. an asymptomatic person
A person who does not currently have a typical symptom or other evidence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection; typical symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection include shortness of breath, new-onset cough, fever, and loss of smell or taste,
5. Tested person
An asymptomatic person who is in possession of a test certificate issued in his or her name,
6. Proof of testing
Evidence regarding the absence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish, in embodied or digital form, if the underlying test is
a) was carried out or supervised in the Federal Republic of Germany or abroad by a service provider pursuant to § 6 paragraph 1 of the Coronavirus Test Ordinance or within the framework of in-company testing within the meaning of occupational health and safety by personnel possessing the necessary training or knowledge and experience, or was carried out or supervised abroad by a body authorized under the law of the respective country, and
b) has been performed by in vitro diagnostics intended for the direct pathogen detection of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and a maximum of 48 hours or, in the case of entry from a virus variant area, a maximum of 24 hours have elapsed; if testing has been performed by means of nucleic acid detection (PCR, PoC-PCR or other methods of nucleic acid amplification technology), this may be a maximum of 72 hours ago,
7. Recovered person
An asymptomatic person who is in possession of a convalescent certificate issued in his or her name,
8. Proof of recovery
A proof of the existence of a previous infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish language in embodied or digital form, if the underlying test was carried out by laboratory diagnostics by means of nucleic acid detection (PCR, PoC-PCR or other methods of the nucleic acid amplification technique) and at least 28 days and a maximum of six months ago,
9. Vaccinated person
An asymptomatic person who is in possession of a vaccination certificate issued to him/her,
10. Proof of vaccination
A proof of the existence of a fully protective vaccination against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish language in embodied or digital form, if the underlying protective vaccination was carried out with one or more vaccines named by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute on the Internet under the address and
a) either consists of a number of vaccine doses published by the Paul Ehrlich Institute on the Internet at that is required for a full protective vaccination and at least 14 days have passed since the last required individual vaccination, or
b) in a recovered person consists of one administered dose of vaccine,
11. Cross-border commuter (outbound)
a) A person who resides in the Federal Republic of Germany and who goes to his or her place of practice, study or training in a risk area on a mandatory basis for the purpose of practicing his or her profession, studying or training and who returns to his or her place of residence regularly, at least once a week, or
b) The custodial person or caregiver who takes a person referred to in subparagraph a) to or picks him or her up from his or her place of employment, study, or training,
12. Cross-border commuter (inbound)
a) A person who resides in a risk area and who necessarily travels to the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of practicing his profession, studying or training and who regularly returns to his place of residence at least once a week, or
b) the custodial person or caregiver who takes a person referred to in subparagraph a) to or picks him or her up from his or her place of employment, study, or training,
13. Transport staff
Persons entering the country for the purpose of transporting persons, goods or merchandise across borders by land, water or air for professional reasons,
14. Carrier
Aa company that transports persons cross-borders by rail, bus, air or sea to the Federal Republic of Germany,
15. Stopover
Stops that do not exceed the usual duration of necessary stops, for example, for rest or refueling; transfer times at an airport do not count as stopovers,
16. Schengen state
State in which the Schengen acquis is applied in full, in addition to the Federal Republic of Germany:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
17. Members of foreign armed forces
Members of foreign armed forces within the meaning of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, the NATO Partnership for Peace Agreement and the Status of Forces of the Member States of the European Union who enter or return to Germany for official purposes.
Part 2: Requirement upon arrival
§ 3 – Mandatory Registration
(1) The following information is to be provided to the competent authority via the digital entry registration (digital platform), if intending to enter the Federal Republic of Germany with prior stay in an area designated as a risk area at the intended time of entry within the last ten days before arrival:
1. personal information pursuant to § 2 no. 16 of the Infection Prevention and Control Act,
2. date of intended arrival,
3. places of stay up to ten days prior to and post arrival,
4. the means of travel and available information on the passenger seat,
5. information on the possession of a vaccination certificate,
6. information on evidence of a test or recovery certificate, respectively, and
7. information on any typical signs of infection with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
(2) If the digital entry declaration could not be completed for lack of technical equipment or due to a technical malfunction, a duly completed surrogate registration form in the format set out in the Annex has to be carried upon arrival instead.
§ 4 – Isolation requirement
(1) Persons who arrived in the Federal Republic of Germany and who have stayed in an area classified as a risk area within the last ten days prior to their arrival are subject to isolation immediately upon arrival at their own expense for a period of time as specified in paragraph 2. Persons referred to in sentence 1 shall proceed straight to their main or second place of residence or to any other accommodation facilitating their isolation. During this period, persons obligated to isolate are not permitted to have visitors who are not part of their household. Persons referred to in sentence 1 shall inform the competent authority without delay if they show typical symptoms of an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus occurring within the relevant isolation period as per paragraph 2. During the period of isolation, persons referred to in sentence 1 shall be subject to observation by the competent authority.
(2) Isolation pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1 shall last for a period of ten days. Notwithstanding sentence 1, the isolation period shall end before the expiry of ten days for individuals who have recovered, have been vaccinated or tested, if they submit proof of recovery, vaccination or testing to the competent authority as laid out in § 7 (4) sentence 1. Individuals who at the time of arrival have stayed in an area classified as a high incidence area within 10 days prior to their arrival, the underlying test shall not have happened until at least five days following the date of their arrival. The isolation pursuant to paragraph 1, sentence 1, shall be temporarily waived for the period of time required to carry out a test. Notwithstanding sentence 1, the isolation shall last fourteen days if an individual has stayed in an area classified as a virus-variant area at the time of their arrival within 10 days prior to their arrival, sentence 2 shall not apply.
(3) This regulation remains in effect until June 30, 2021 at the latest.
§ 5 – Certificates required
(1) When arriving in the Federal Republic of Germany, evidence of a test, recovery or vaccination is required in the following cases for passengers who are six years of age or older:
1. if they have stayed in an area classified as a high incidence area at the time of their arrival within the last 10 days before their arrival,
2. if they have stayed in an area classified as a virus variant area at the time of their arrival within the last 10 days before their arrival, or
3. if they travel to the Federal Republic of Germany by air by means of a carrier.
If arriving via a carrier from a high incidence area, a virus variant area or by air, the proof as per sentence 1 is required before departure to be submitted to the carrier. Persons who have stayed in an area classified as a virus variant area at the time of arrival, within the last ten days before arrival shall provide proof of testing as specified in sentences 1 and 2; a recovery or a vaccination certificate shall not be sufficient in this case.
(3) Persons who are six years of age or older, who are not subject to paragraph (1) and who have stayed in an area classified as a risk area at the time of their arrival, that is neither a high incidence area nor a virus variant area, within the last ten days before their arrival, are to provide proof of a test, of recovery, or of vaccination within 48 hours upon their arrival.
§ 6 – Exemptions
(1) §§ 3 and 4 do not apply to persons in the following cases:
1. if a risk area was merely passed through without any stopover,
2. the Federal Republic of Germany is entered and left by the fastest possible means for transit purposes,
3. if entering the Federal Republic of Germany in the capacity of transportation personnel, subject to adherence to adequate protective and hygiene concepts,
4. if returning to Germany as part of official delegations via the government terminal of Berlin Brandenburg Airport or via Cologne/Bonn Airport and having stayed in a risk area for less than 72 hours,
5. if transported to the Federal Republic of Germany to receive treatment for an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, if inpatient treatment in a hospital is required due to an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and such treatment cannot be provided at the location abroad,
6. if stayed in a risk area for less than 24 hours while crossing the border or are entering the Federal Republic of Germany for less than 24 hours,
7. to cross-border commuters (outbound and inbound),
8. to policemen returning from deployment and equivalent obligations from another country,
9. to those subject to § 54a (1) of the Infection Prevention and Control Act,
10. to members of the foreign armed forces,
11. for stays of less than 72 hours in the Federal Republic of Germany or in a risk area
a) enter on the basis of visiting first-degree relatives, a spouse or cohabiting partner who is not a member of the same household, or shared custody or visitation rights, or
b) are high-ranking members of the diplomatic or consular service, people's representations or governments.
Sentence 1 numbers 8 to 11 does not apply to persons who at any time during the ten days preceding entry have been in an area classified as a virus variant area at the time of entry. Sentence 1 No. 7 applies with the proviso that the activity is urgently necessary and indispensable for the maintenance of operational processes. Sentence 1 No. 3 does not apply to stays of more than 72 hours if the transport personnel have been in an area classified as a virus variant area at the time of entry at any time in the last ten days prior to entry.
(2) Furthermore, § 4 does not apply to:
1. persons who have a test certificate, and
a) whose activity is indispensable for the maintenance of
aa) the functioning of the health care system, in particular physicians, nurses, supportive medical staff and caregivers,
bb) public safety and order,
cc) the maintenance of diplomatic and consular relations,
dd) the functioning of the administration of justice,
ee) the functioning of the federal, state, and local legislative, governmental, and administrative bodies; or
ff) the functioning of the institutions of the European Union and of international organizations,
b) enter due to
aa) the visitation of first- or second-degree relatives, of the spouse or cohabitant not belonging to the same household, or of a shared right of custody or visitation right,
bb) urgent medical treatment, or
cc) assistance or for the care of persons in need of protection or assistance,
c) have stayed in a risk area for up to 5 days for urgent and undispensible work-related reasons, because of their training or studies, or are entering the Federal Republic of Germany,
d) being accredited for the preparation, participation, execution and follow-up of international sports events by the respective organizing committee or are invited by a federal sports federation to participate in training and instruction measures,
e) enter the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of taking up employment for at least three weeks if
aa) at the place where they are housed and work, operational hygiene measures and contact avoidance precautions comparable to isolation are taken outside the work group during the first ten days after their entry,
bb) permitted to leave the accommodation only to carry out their activities; and
cc) the employer notifies the competent authority of the commencement of work prior to its commencement and documents the measures taken in accordance with letters aa and bb.
2. Persons returning as a vacation returnee from a risk area that is neither a high incidence area nor a virus variant area, and who tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection immediately before returning, provided that
a) on the basis of an agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the national government concerned, special epidemiological precautions (protection and hygiene concept) have been taken locally for a vacation in this risk area (see website of the Federal Foreign Office at and of the Robert Koch Institute,
b) the infection situation in the respective risk area does not prevent an exemption from the obligation according to § 4, and
c) the Federal Foreign Office has not issued a travel warning for the affected region due to an increased risk of infection at
3. persons for whom the competent authority has granted further exemptions in justified cases upon request if there is a valid reason.
Sentence 1 does not apply to persons who at any time during the last ten days prior to entry have stayed in an area classified as a virus variant area at the time of entry. Persons subject to sentence 1 are obliged to inform the competent authority immediately if typical symptoms of an infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 occur within ten days after entry into the Federal Republic of Germany.
(3) Section 5 paragraph 1 applies with the following provisos:
1. its sentence 1 number 1 does not apply to persons pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1 numbers 1, 2 and 4 and other persons for whom the competent authority has granted exemptions in justified individual cases due to the existence of a valid reason,
2. its sentence 1 number 1 applies to transport personnel with the proviso that the stay exceeds 72 hours,
3. its sentence 1 number 1 and 2 applies to cross-border commuters (outbound and inbound) with the proviso that a test certificate has to be carried out at least twice a week,
4. its sentence 1 number 3 does not apply to transport personnel and persons traveling back to Germany as part of official delegations via the government terminal at Berlin Brandenburg Airport or via Cologne/Bonn Airport.
(3) § 5 paragraph 2 shall not apply to persons pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1.
§ 7 – Submission and transmission obligations
(1) If entry is made by means of a carrier, the following evidence has to be presented to the carrier for verification purposes at the carrier's request prior to carriage:
1. in case of entries from a risk area, the confirmation of the successfully completed digital entry application or the fully completed substitute notification pursuant to § 3 paragraph 2 and
2. if entering from a high incidence area, a virus variant area, or by air, proof of testing, or if entering from a high incidence area or by air, proof of recovery or proof of vaccination.
Notwithstanding sentence 1, the presentation may also be made during the carriage in case of international rail transport or international short sea shipping. The existence of an exception to § 3 paragraph 1 or § 5 paragraph 1 has to be substantiated at the request of the carrier.
(2) When entering the Federal Republic of Germany, the following documents have to be carried and presented to the authorities responsible for the police control of cross-border traffic at their request for the purpose of random checks:
1. in case of entries with prior stay in a risk area, the confirmation of the successfully completed digital entry declaration or the fully completed substitute notification pursuant to § 3 paragraph 2 and
2. if entering from a high incidence area, a virus variant area, or by air, proof of testing, or if entering from a high incidence area or by air, proof of recovery or proof of vaccination.
The existence of an exception pursuant to § 3 paragraph 1 or § 5 paragraph 1 have to be substantiated at the request of the authority responsible for the police control of cross-border traffic. In case of persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of taking up employment, the employer or any other third party may also provide the evidence pursuant to sentence 1. In the of entry from a Schengen State, the request for the presentation of evidence is be made on a random basis during the performance of border police duties. If the entry is not from a Schengen state, the request is made during the entry control.
(3) In case of § 3 paragraph 2, the fully completed substitute notification for the purpose of control and transfer to the competent authority shall be handed over on request to:
1. the carrier, if the entry is made using a carrier from a Schengen State, or
2. otherwise the authority in charge of police control of cross-border traffic.
If a request pursuant to sentence 1 has not been made during the entry process, either a digital entry declaration has to be made up for no later than 24 hours after entry or the fully completed substitute notification must be sent to the competent authority.
(4) Persons who have entered the Federal Republic of Germany and who at any time during the ten days preceding entry have stayed in an area classified as a risk area at the time of entry shall, if they are required to register pursuant to § 3, submit the following proof to the competent authority without delay after it has been provided by using the entry portal:
1. proof of recovery or proof of vaccination, or
2. a test certificate pursuant to § 4 paragraph 2 sentence 2 or § 5
Upon request, the competent authority may allow exceptions in justified individual cases. The existence of an exception to § 4 or § 5 have to be substantiated at the request of the competent authority. In case of persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of taking up employment, the employer or another third party may also furnish proof in accordance with sentence 1. Section 3 Obligations of the transport companies
Part 3: Obligations of transport companies
§ 8 – Information obligations of transport companies
Carriers and operators of airports, ports, passenger stations and bus stations have to ensure, within the scope of their operational and technical possibilities, that the information contained on the website is made available to travelers in a barrier-free manner.
§ 9 – Obligations of carriers in connection with carriage
(1) Carriers transporting persons from a risk area to the Federal Republic of Germany have to check the confirmation of the successful digital entry declaration or the fully completed substitute notification pursuant to § 3 para. 2 prior to carriage unless an exception pursuant to § 6 para. 1 sentence 1 or 3 applies. These are to be checked for plausibility of the personal data within the scope of operational and technical possibilities. The fully completed substitute notifications pursuant to § 3 para. 2 have to be collected in the case of transports from a Schengen State and forwarded immediately by the carriers to the competent authority. Carriers transporting persons from a risk area outside Schengen States to the Federal Republic of Germany have to inform the persons transported that the confirmation of the successful digital entry declaration or the fully completed substitute notification pursuant to § 3 para. 2 have to be submitted to the authority responsible for the police control of cross-border traffic at the latter's request as part of the entry control and that the fully completed substitute notification pursuant to § 3 para. 2 has to be handed over to the latter for the purpose of random checks and surrender to the competent authority. Carriers shall refrain from transporting persons from a risk area to the Federal Republic of Germany if the persons to be transported have not submitted a confirmation of successful digital entry declaration or a fully completed substitute notification pursuant to § 3 para. 2 during the check in accordance with sentence 1; this shall also apply if the data provided are obviously incorrect after checking pursuant to sentence 2. Notwithstanding sentence 5, the check may also be carried out during transport in case of international rail transport or international short sea shipping from a risk area.
(2) In case of § 5 paragraph 1,sentence 1, 2, 5 and 6 shall apply with regard to proof of testing, proof of recovery or proof of vaccination mutatis mutandis; only vaccinated, recovered or tested persons may be carried, and, if carriage is from a virus variant area, only tested persons may be carried, unless an exemption pursuant to § 6 paragraph 3 applies and the persons concerned have reached the age of six. If it is not possible for the persons to be transported to obtain proof of testing, carriers may perform testing themselves or have it performed prior to departure and, in the case of a negative test, provide transportation.
(3) Paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to local public transport.
§ 10 – Transport ban from virus variant areas
(1) Carriers are obliged to refrain from transports out-of virus variant areas into the Federal Republic of Germany
(2) The transport ban does not apply to
1. the carriage of German citizens or persons with residence and right of abode in the Federal Republic of Germany and in each case their spouses, cohabitants from the same household, and minor children,
2. the carriage of persons changing planes in the Federal Republic of Germany only in a transit area of an airport,
3. pure mail, freight, or empty transports,
4. the repatriation of aircraft, ships and crews,
5. transports with or by personnel in the interest of public health, ambulance flights and flights for the transport of transplant organs, and necessary escort personnel,
6. transports for urgent humanitarian reasons,
7. transports on behalf of EURATOM Safeguards, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the United Nations and its agencies,
8. transportation of members of a foreign diplomatic mission or consulate whose appointment and arrival have been notified by the Foreign Office, and in each case their accompanying spouses, cohabitants, and minor children.
(3) Planned transports pursuant to paragraph 2 number 1 have to be notified to the Federal Police Headquarters by the carrier at least three days before the planned entry into the Federal Republic of Germany. This does not apply to transports within the framework of local public transport.
§ 11 – Obligation of the carriers to provide information
(1) Carriers shall provide their existing data on persons transported by them from a risk area to the competent authority upon request up to 30 days after the arrival of the persons entering; this applies to electronically stored data identifying the persons transported, their contact details, as well as passenger lists and seating plans.
(2) Carriers are obligated to designate a point of contact for the Robert Koch Institute that can be reached for inquiries by the competent authorities.
Part 4: Obligations of Cellular Phone Network Providers
§ 12 - Obligations of Cellular Phone Network Providers to Provide Information
Operators of public cellular phone networks are - to the extent technically possible- obliged to immediately provide a short message from the Federal Government with accessible content and sender identification according to sentence 2 to their customers who log into their cellular network after using a foreign cellular network for more than 24 hours, at their network termination point of the mobile network. This message provides information on the entry and infection protection regulations in connection with tie SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany and the infection protection measures to be observed to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The Federal Government will provide the content and sender identification of the short message to the providers.
Part 5: Final Provisions
§ 13 - Administrative Offenses
An administrative offense within the meaning of § 73 para. 1a number 24 of the Infection Prevention and Control Act is committed by anyone who intentionally or negligently:
1. contrary to § 3 para. 1, fails to complete a registration, completes the registration not correctly, not completely, not in the prescribed manner or not in due time.
2. contrary to § 4 paragraph 1 sentence 1 does not isolate or does not isolate in time,
3. contrary to § 4 paragraph 1 sentence 2 does not go, does not go in the prescribed manner or does not go in time to a dwelling or accommodation referred to therein,
4. receives visitors contrary to § 4 paragraph 1 sentence 3,
5. contrary to § 7 paragraph1 sentence 1 number 1 or paragraph 2 sentence 1 number 1, fails to submit evidence, or fails to submit evidence correctly, completely or on time ,
6. contrary to § 7 paragraph 1, sentence 1, number 2 or paragraph 2, sentence 1, number 2, when entering from a high incidence area or virus variant area, fails to present proof specified therein, or fails to do so correctly, completely or in a timely manner,
7. contrary to § 7 paragraph 3 sentence 1, fails to deliver a substitute notification, or fails to deliver it correctly, completely or on time,
8. contrary to § 7 paragraph 3 sentence 2, fails to make up a digital entry declaration, fails to do so correctly, fails to do so completely or fails to do so in time and fails to send a substitute notification, fails to do so correctly, fails to do so completely or fails to do so in time,
9. contrary to Section 7 paragraph 4 sentence 1, fails to submit evidence, or fails to do so correctly, completely or in a timely manner,
10. contrary to § 8, fails to ensure that any information referred to therein is made available in an accessible manner,
11. contrary to § 9 paragraph 1, sentence 1, also in conjunction with paragraph 2, sentence 1, half-sentence 1, fails to check a confirmation, substitute notification or proof, or fails to do so correctly, completely or in good time,
12. contrary to § 9 paragraph 1, sentence 5, half-sentence 1 or § 10 paragraph 1, fails to refrain from a transport,
13. contrary to § 9 paragraph 2 sentence 1, half-sentence 2 transports a person, or
14. contrary to § 11 paragraph 1, fails to submit data, or fails to do so correctly, completely or in a timely manner.
§ 14 - Entry into Force, Expiration
(1) This Ordinance enters into force on 13 May 2021; it shall expire when the German Bundestag lifts it declaration of an epidemic situation of national significance pursuant to § 5 paragraph 1 sentence 2 of the Infection Prevention and Control Act.
(2) The Corona Entry Ordinance of 13 January 2021 (BAnz AT 13.01.2021 V1) as amended by Article 10 paragraph 5 of the Act of 20 March 201 (Federal Law Gazette Part I p. 370) shall expire at the end of 12 May 2021.
Berlin, 12 May 2021
Dr. Angela Merkel
Federal Minister for Health
Jens Spahn
Alternative Declaration [form completion explanation in English]
This form must only be completed by people who were not able to use the digital entry declaration at
Each person must fill out a separate form. For minors or persons in care, the form must be filled out and signed by a person having the care and custody of the child or by the guardian/custodian.
Fill out the form in capital letters. For blank spaces, leave one box empty.
Please hand over the fully completed form to the carrier or the authority charged with the police control of cross-border traffic, upon request.
Providing incorrect information may be prosecuted as an administrative offense, subject to an administrative fine of up to EUR 25,000.00.
Travel Information
1. Name of the Carrier
2. Route/Line Number
3. Seat Number, if applicable
4. Date of Arrival (YYYY/MM/DD)
5. Place of Departure (please enter city and country)
6. Via (leave blank unless you had a changeover)
Personal Information
7. Last Name
8. First Name(s)
9. Sex (check appropriate box; weiblich = female, männlich = male, divers = diverse
10. Citizenship
11. Date of Birth (YYY/MM/DD)
Telephone Numbers (at which you can be reached if necessary, incl. country and city code)
12. Cellphone Number
13. Duty Phone Number
14. Home Phone Number
15. Email Address
Physical Address / Address during your stay in Germany
16. Name of Hotel (if applicable)
17. Street Address and Number (please leave one box empty between street name and number)
18. Apartment Number
19. City
20. State
21. ZIP Code
Address of other intended places of stay within the next 10 days
22. Name of Hotel (if applicable)
23. Street Address and Number (please leave one box empty b/w street name and number)
24. Apartment Number
25. City
26. State
27. ZIP Code
Signature Block
- In cases of direct entry from a risk area within the Schengen area, the fully completed alternative declaration must be handed over to the carrier.
- In case of direct entry from outside the Schengen Area, the fully completed alternative declaration must be handed over to the German Federal Police [Bundespolizei] during immigration control.
- Irrespective of the use of a carrier, the fully completed alternative declaration must be handed over to the German Federal Police [Bundespolizei] for the purpose of cross-border control measures, upon request, unless it was already handed over to the carrier.
In all other cases, please mail the alternative declaration to the following address, immediately after entering the country:
Deutsche Post E-POST Solutions GmbH
69990 Mannheim
Date Taken: | 05.18.2021 |
Date Posted: | 05.19.2021 03:17 |
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