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    Chilean and U.S. Marines Wargame

    Chilean and U.S. Marines Wargame

    Courtesy Photo | U.S. Marines with Marine Corps Advisor Company A, Force Headquarters Group, Marine...... read more read more



    Story by Maj. Mason Englehart 

    U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South

    VIÑA DEL MAR, Chile – Marines from Chile and the United States huddled around the map table, studying the terrain, and evaluating the enemy force’s most likely positions based on updates from the intelligence department. Across the room, their enemy, wearing the same uniform, did the same.

    Tabletop wargames are used by Marines to help simulate and plan various scenarios. At the Armada de Chile Acadamia de Guerra Naval (Chilean Naval War College), Marines from Chile and the U.S. recently conducted an operational planning and wargaming subject matter exchange, which aimed to enhance their planning skills, coordination, and interoperability.

    “This exercise was a great example of the incredible partnership the USMC has with our Chilean counterparts. It was highlighted by mutual learning, increased understanding of their planning and wargaming process, and building new relationships while strengthening existing ones,” said Maj. Daniel Kent, a military police officer and foreign security forces advisor with Marine Corps Advisor Company A, Marine Forces Reserve.

    Kent led a team of Marines from U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve and South, including infantry, armor, and engineer subject matter experts, who were eager to conduct the wargaming exchange and learn from their Chilean counterparts while also demonstrating parts of the Marine Corps Planning Process.

    These types of wargaming exchanges can cover a wide range of scenarios, from combat simulations to peacekeeping operations, helping to strengthen bilateral relations and mutual understanding between the forces involved. One advantage of a wargame is the input provided by the ‘red cell’, an opposing force that reacts to friendly actions and helps find weaknesses in any plan. A ‘white cell’ serves as the wargame arbiter, helping to ensure accurate outcomes and keeping participants focused on the end goal of refining an operational plan. Marines from both countries filled roles in each cell.

    “These planning exercises offer military forces the opportunity to prepare a wide range of possible scenarios. This guarantees they are prepared to respond in an effective and coordinated manner during a combat situation or real-life disaster,” said Capitan de Corbeta (Corvette Capitan – equivalent to U.S. Marine Corps Major) Alberto Pizarro Illanes, future operations officer for the Cuerpo de Infanteria Marina (Chilean Marine Corps) Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade.

    Pizarro, who organized the event and served as the officer in charge, sees tremendous value in doing exchanges with his U.S. Marine counterparts:

    “These exercises encourage coordination between different units and forces, which is essential for success on the battlefield. Moreover, these exercises help improve collaboration and teamwork between personnel from different ranks and specializations. Working with USMC personnel allows us to improve our interoperability between both military forces. This is vital during joint or interagency operations, where the capacity to effectively communicate and cooperate with allied forces is fundamental/critical for the success of the mission. Working with other countries' military forces provides different perspectives and approaches to military strategies. This can help broaden the vision and understanding of global challenges and strengthen the adaptive capacity of each military force.”

    As the game progressed, dice were rolled, and the fate of their simulated forces hung in the balance of calculated risks and maneuvers. Each decision carried weight—a reflection of real-world scenarios where an enemy gets a vote, and lives and missions depend on split-second choices as well as detailed prior planning.

    The week-long exchange was marked by intense exchanges of tactics and occasional laughter when a particularly daring part of a plan paid off—or when part of a plan collapsed due to unexpected enemy action. At the end of the week, Marines from both countries had learned a lot and felt a strong sense of camaraderie. The U.S. Marines were graciously invited to attend the anniversary ceremony of the Chilean Marine Corps on the final day, where they celebrated the rich history of the Chilean Marines, who have protected and defended Chile for 206 years. “As brothers in arms, we felt honored to have been invited to Chile and look forward to future exchanges,” Kent added.

    The Chilean Marine Corps is a component of the Armada de Chile (Chilean Navy) and can conduct expeditionary amphibious operations and force projection, coastal defense, disaster relief, and maintain safety and order within the coastal regions. Their motto is Fortis Atque Fidelis, “Strong and Loyal”.

    MARFORSOUTH is the Service component of U.S. Southern Command, responsible for all U.S. Marine activity in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. MARFORSOUTH provides contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation plans to deter aggression, defeat threats, rapidly respond to crises, and build regional capacity, working with our allies, partner nations, and U.S. government team members to enhance security and help defend the U.S. homeland and our national interests.



    Date Taken: 06.27.2024
    Date Posted: 06.27.2024 16:51
    Story ID: 475060
    Location: VIñA DEL MAR, VALPARAíSO, CL

    Web Views: 131
    Downloads: 1