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    V Corps Soldiers Participate in Community Outreach Efforts

    V Corps Soldiers Participate in Community Outreach Efforts

    Photo By Capt. Michael Mastrangelo | Spc. Hector Fernandez, 3rd Battalion, 29th Field Artillery, 4th Infantry Division,...... read more read more



    Story by Capt. Michael Mastrangelo 

    22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment   

    In Europe, V Corps, the U.S. Army’s forward-deployed corps on the continent, undertakes a mission that expands beyond military objectives. V Corps routinely conducts community outreach missions designed to build relationships with civilian partners in Europe and build goodwill with locals. These efforts reinforce strategic alliances and enrich the cultural and social fabric of the regions they engage with. The U.S. Army and V Corps demonstrate their military presence rooted in goodwill and mutual respect by prioritizing personal connections and collaborative projects.

    An example of such efforts was displayed at the Siemiatycze Holiday Festival on July 29, 2024. V Corps Soldiers set up military equipment for civilians to explore and spent time conversing with those who attended. The experience brought smiles to the faces of involved. Children and families gathered to try on helmets and body armor brought in by U.S. Soldiers. During one short interaction, Sgt. Steven Duron helped a Polish child don the same equipment that Soldiers wear in training. Both Duron and the child were excited as they posed for pictures, demonstrating the impact of these Soldiers on the community members at the event.

    “I had a lot of fun interacting with Polish children and teaching them how to wear our equipment,” said Duron. “Events like this develop friendship and strengthen the bond between U.S. Soldiers and Polish civilians.”

    Soldiers attend these events to interact and bridge the gap between Soldiers and the community. Moments such as allowing a child to try on equipment or conversing with a veteran improve the dynamic relationships and help bridge the civil-military divide.

    1st Lt. Zachary Webb, the executive officer for Alpha Battery, 3rd Battalion, 29th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, described his experience: “The biggest impact is experiencing Polish culture, both differences and similarities.” When asked about the festival’s impact on him, he responded, “It shows the individual Soldiers’ commitment and reminds the community that no one is alone in military endeavors. It reminds everyone involved that Soldiers rely on the community just as much as they rely on us.”

    Soldiers regularly participate in outreach events throughout Europe, where they showcase military equipment and provide a wealth of knowledge about the military, the U.S., and their personal experiences. In May and June alone, multiple organizations from V Corps participated in numerous community outreach events throughout Europe. These events included static displays at local community celebrations and school visits where Soldiers interacted with children.

    Community outreach events allow U.S. Soldiers to interact with host nation civilians and military in various settings while leaving the confines of military forward operating sites spread throughout Europe. Community outreach develops long-lasting relationships within the community where Soldiers live and serve. Additionally, it allows Soldiers to gain an understanding of local communities and cultures, specifically when serving overseas. The community outreach program is a multi-layered tool that benefits the Soldiers and local communities that participate.

    As Soldiers gain knowledge from community members, they also provide civilians with valuable perspectives on military life. A wide range of events are organized to thoroughly demonstrate the intricacies and aspects of military life, providing a comprehensive understanding to attendees. Community outreach events provide an essential element of military life. They humanize Soldiers by allowing civilians to see them as individuals with diverse backgrounds and stories. This creates a common ground while breeding empathy and understanding within the community.

    “This event provides Polish civilians in the community with a new experience that might change something in their life,” said Sgt. Joseph Ferraanti, assigned to 3rd Bn., 29th FA Regt. “It could be a monumental moment that they remember forever.”

    The community outreach efforts by V Corps illustrate the importance of meaningful connections between the military and civilian communities. These interactions enhance the communities surrounding the strategic presence of the U.S. Army in Europe while enriching the cultural understanding between Soldiers and civilians. V Corps ensures its military presence is of goodwill and mutual respect by prioritizing personal connections and collaborative projects. These relationships will continue to grow stronger for years to come as V Corps continues as enduring presence in Europe.



    Date Taken: 06.29.2024
    Date Posted: 07.02.2024 03:46
    Story ID: 475226
    Location: SIEMIATYCZE, PL

    Web Views: 18
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