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    IJC Operational Update, April 30



    Courtesy Story

    ISAF Joint Command

    KABUL, Afghanistan – A Taliban improvised explosive device facilitator and two other militants were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Kandahar province last night.

    The combined force searched a compound in northwest Kandahar City after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the combined force captured the Taliban IED facilitator responsible for delivering IED components to other local militant networks and securing vehicle-borne IED's. Two other insurgents were also detained.

    In the Kandahar City district of Kandahar province yesterday, ISAF forces discovered a weapons cache containing six 102mm artillery shells, six mortars and a rocket-propelled grenade. The cache was destroyed.

    While patrolling in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand province yesterday, ISAF forces saw a yellow jug protruding from the ground, which turned out to be a victim operated IED with 40 pounds of homemade explosives. The IED was destroyed.

    An ISAF patrol met with Afghan National Police in the Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province yesterday to retrieve 42 mines, two receiver/transmitters, and a bag full of miscellaneous IED electronics secured at the ANP checkpoint. The mines were in various stages of disrepair. The materials were destroyed.

    In the Now Zad district of Helmand yesterday, an ISAF patrol found a rocket and some homemade explosives in an open field. The materials were destroyed.

    In the Bala Morghab area of Badghis province, an Afghan civilian turned in an anti-tank mine to an ISAF patrol. The mine was destroyed.

    No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during these operations.


    Date Taken: 04.30.2010
    Date Posted: 04.30.2010 04:02
    Story ID: 48917
    Location: KABUL, AF

    Web Views: 409
    Downloads: 391