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    Father and Son Birthday Surprise Reunion

    Father Son Birthday Reunion

    Photo By Sgt. Dennis Gravelle | Lt. Col. Richard O'Connor talks with his son Pfc. Ryan O'Connor at Forward Operating...... read more read more



    Courtesy Story

    345th Public Affairs Detachment

    Story and Photo by Sgt. Dennis Gravelle
    138th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

    BALAD, Iraq (Jan. 27, 2005) -- Perhaps some of the most important issues for most Soldiers deployed for long periods of time is their absence at normal holiday dinners and spending birthdays with family. Imagine being able to spend some quality time with a loved one.

    This was the particular case when Lt. Col. Richard O'Connor, commander, support squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment had the opportunity to see his only son. "I wanted to surprise my son on his birthday, and give him something to remember while he is deployed in Iraq, said Lt. Col. O'Connor."

    Lt. Col. O'Connor boarded a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter at FOB Sykes and headed to greet his son Pfc. Ryan O'Connor, 4th Infantry Division, 168th Combined Arms Battalion at FOB Gabe.

    When the Blackhawk landed the crew chief of the helicopter opened the side door and Lt. Col. O'Connor took off his seat belt and stepped out. About 30 feet away his son stood tall with a few Soldier friends. Pfc. Ryan came to attention and saluted his dad for the very first time. His dad snapped to attention and saluted his son back. "I have always wanted to salute my dad, and it was awesome, said Pfc. O'Connor.

    They boarded the Blackhawk and flew to FOB Anaconda for a birthday lunch and were able to spend four hours together.

    Pfc. O'Connor grew up as an Army dependent, and decided to follow the same career path his father has done for 29 years. "I have a lot of pride in my dad and what he does, it was my duty to join," said Pfc. O'Connor, "It's a rewarding job and I like it a lot."

    Due to father and son being deployed to separate FOBs, they have not had a chance to see each other since last September when Lt. Col. O'Connor was home from Iraq on leave. It is not everyday that a father and son get the chance to see each other in a war zone.

    "I am just honored that I had the opportunity to come and see him before I left to go home, said Lt. Col. O'Connor, "it was honorable, and emotional to see him here, it's just awesome," he said.

    As his dad gets ready to leave Iraq and head home to see family, Pfc. O'Connor is just getting into his tour, which started Nov. 30, 2005. Pfc. O'Connor serves as a scout for his unit and his father is very proud of his son for joining the Army.

    "I can't tell you how proud I am of what he's done, to follow in his dad's footsteps, how much prouder can you be?" said Lt. Col. O'Connor.

    When Pfc. O'Connor redeploys, he and his father can get together and recall the birthday celebration in Iraq during a war helping to liberate millions of Iraqis. "Both of us are serving our nation during a time of war, I am proud that he wears the uniform," said Lt. Col. O'Connor.

    After their celebration they flew back to FOB Gabe. They gave each other a hug and Ryan saluted his dad once more. Lt. Col. O'Connor boarded the Blackhawk and waved to his son as the crew chief shut the door. This is one birthday celebration that they will never forget.


    Date Taken: 02.01.2006
    Date Posted: 02.01.2006 14:45
    Story ID: 5275
    Location: BALAD, IQ

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