416th TEC Headquarters change of command

416th Theater Engineer Command
Story by Sgt. 1st Class Darrin McDufford

Date: 04.11.2015
Posted: 04.12.2015 13:48
News ID: 159769
416th HHC change of command

DARIEN, Ill. – Capt. Zachary P. Galaboff, accepted the command 416th Theater Engineer Command Headquarters and Headquarters Company from Capt. Robert J. Mikyska during a change of command ceremony held here April 11.

Galaboff, a Chicago area native, has served in a variety of positions since joining the Army more than seven years ago.

Being an Army Reserve Soldier in today’s Army means being ready.

“I’ve worked in a number of global situations that may result in a call to deploy and what my experiences have told to me is that it is all about readiness and that’s going to be a focus of my command.”

Galaboff decided to become a Soldier after evaluating his interests.

“It was something that I was interested in as a little kid. I started considering the kind of books I was reading and things I was interested in. I assessed the situation and thought I would join the army and do what I’ve always wanted to do and this is what I’m going to be good at.”

He commented that his experience created one of his greatest strengths of understanding Soldiers and prepares him for this principal position of company commander.

“I will go any lengths to help them achieve their personal goals. This translate to motivated and productive unit personal,” said Galaboff.

He thanked his fiancée for accepting his decisions and apologized that I always miss a lot of holidays, birthdays and what not and he thanked you for your understanding.

Capt. Robert J. Mikyska relinquishes command of the 416th Theater Engineer Command Headquarters and Headquarters Company after more than two years of leading and providing an increase of performance measures within the command.

“The best part of what I done is integrating and getting to know everyone here. It has been a privilege for me. When in a leadership position, it is required to have an assertive mentality and be fair and balanced across the board.”

Mikyska stressed the mood of cooperation for his success during his tenure.

“There isn’t a staff section that didn’t support me. I was amazed that when I put out a call for assistance the volume of support was tremendous,” he said.

He added that his mindset of accomplishment was developed after he decided to become an engineer. He deployed in that field and after four years on active duty the Army instilled the desire to grow and develop.

Mikyska’s decision to serve did not come without sacrifice. He’s had to spend a lot of time away from home and his family.

“When I deployed it was a challenging time for my wife and when I returned I stepped into a leadership position as the headquarters commander. There were times she wanted to do things but there were things I had to get done for all of you.”

“(To his wife) I love you so much and I’m so grateful that I have you. Asking to marry me was the best thing in my life and the Army comes in a close second,” said Mikyska.

His next assignment will be as the executive officer at the 983rd Engineer Battalion in Monclova, Ohio.

The 416th is a Theater-Level engineering command that provides technical and tactical engineer support to United States forces deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. Domestically, the 416th TEC trains and equips units and Soldiers in 26 states west of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to deploy and participate in humanitarian service operations and joint training exercises in Central America, South America and the Middle East. The 416th TEC currently has more than 12,000 Soldiers.