Singapore's medical team arrives in Uruzgan

International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs
Courtesy Story

Date: 11.21.2008
Posted: 11.21.2008 04:40
News ID: 26622

By the International Security Assistance Force - Afghanistan Public Affairs Office

KABUL, Afghanistan — A 20-person medical team from Singapore arrived at Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan, Nov. 18 to support the International Security Assistance Force medical support mission.

The Singapore armed forces will work at the ISAF medical facility alongside the Dutch, Americans and Australians, and provide medical treatment to both ISAF military and Afghan civilians in the region.

"In June we trained in the Netherlands with the Dutch medical personnel," said Major (Dr.) Adrian. "I have complete confidence in the capacity of my team and in the support of our NATO counterpart. Our job is to not only support the ISAF military but also to provide medical care of the Afghan civilians if needed."

It is Singapore's second contribution this year to Afghanistan following the arrival of a construction team that built a Health Care Trainings Centre in Bamiyan province.