Staff with the Robert M. Casey Medical and Dental Clinic at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni and professionals within the local medical community gathered at the Egretta restaurant for a hospital symposium in Iwakuni City, Japan, Feb. 23, 2018.
The medical institutions gather once a year to discuss common issues and possible solutions in order to continue serving both communities.
Dr. Hiroyuki Fujimoto, a cardiologist with Fujimoto Clinic, said that the yearly symposiums help build the connection between MCAS Iwakuni and the local medical community, because it allows them to meet and collaborate with each other rather than just accepting a referral note from a patient.
The first guest speaker of the evening, Dr.Hata, an orthopedic surgeon with Iwakuni Clinical Center, gave a presentation where he explored different types of fractures and corresponding operations.
Following him was U.S. Navy Lt. Sera Brubaker, a physical therapist with the Robert M. Casey Medical and Dental Clinic, who discussed the different aspects of physical therapy and the importance of MCAS Iwakuni having a relationship with the host nation medical community.
“We’re overseas, and we don’t have the same resources we do in the states,” said Brubaker. “It’s nice to have a host nation willing to take us on as patients and provide services
that we may not be able to.”
U.S. Navy Capt. Jacky Cheng, acting officer in charge of Robert M. Casey Medical and Dental Clinic, provided closing remarks, and guests were encouraged to spend the remainder of the night collaborating to aid in increasing interoperability and strengthening the U.S.-Japan relationship.