Signal Soldiers perform jobs under pressure

Multi-National Division Baghdad
Story by 1st Lt. Selina Meiners

Date: 12.13.2008
Posted: 12.13.2008 10:09
News ID: 27647
Signal Soldiers perform jobs under pressure

By 1st Lt. Selina Tolonen
Multi-National Division – Baghdad

FORWARD OPERATING BASE JUSTICE, Iraq – The Joint Network Node of 2nd Platoon "Knights" from Company B, Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, are making history by maintaining the entire forward operating base's communications network in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Thanks to a successful relief-in-place with the JNN rear platoon from Company C, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), which is now back home at Fort Campbell, Ky., the Knights have had no major problems taking the reins of the communications network at FOB Justice.

This responsibility includes ensuring a strong satellite signal is sent to the JNN shelter. The JNN shelter then channels the signal to digital voice, data and internet subscribers throughout the FOB.

"We were set up for success by 2-101's JNN rear platoon," said Sgt. Michael Cannon, the platoon's high capacity line of sight team chief.

His primary mission, with the help of a radio retransmission ream, is to make sure long-range radio communications is strengthened and maintained.

"This is our first time around; 2-101's JNN rear platoon has a lot of experience under its belt and went out of their way to teach us everything we needed to know before they left," he said.

"They were very organized, cohesive and professional. We would have struggled taking over this mission without their help," added Staff Sgt. Mark Purvis, "Knights" platoon sergeant. "Now, we have to focus on expanding and maintaining the FOB Justice communications network, cross-training our Soldiers and taking good care of our equipment."

Maintaining the FOB Justice communications network starts with power electrical.

"We have quite a few generators within our platoon," said Cannon, who is also the platoon's maintenance sergeant. Some of the things he checks daily are fuel and oil levels, proper grounding, gauges, running hours and the wiring inside the terminals. He also ensures the generators are serviced on time.

"I know that power is the number-one ingredient we need to do our job, and I take it very seriously," Cannon explained. "We do our best to ensure the longevity of our equipment. However, the bad thing about being in Iraq is that no matter how much you try to maintain your equipment, sand will eventually infiltrate into it and tear it up over time."

On a typical day, the Soldiers of 2nd Platoon also deal with requests for the installation or repair of classified and non-classified phone and internet services through their "trouble-ticket" system.

Pfc. Elizabeth Castro, a signal support systems specialist, often addresses a variety of trouble tickets while on shift.

"Our system requires a Soldier to come to our shop to properly document his or her issue in an organized format rather than me being told about it while I am in the process of solving a separate problem around the FOB, in the chow line or conducting a radio check," said Castro.

She said she also likes how the process allows the platoon members to stay organized and that it enhances their ability to recognize common problems, track progress, and plan in advance for the time, supplies and manpower required to solve an issue.

Of course, not all trouble tickets can be taken seriously in this digital era, Pfc. Castro explained.

"Some are blank. They just state the date and person submitting it but no problem is listed," said Castro. "Others have asked us how to save a file onto a computer desktop."

No matter the problem or the time, and regardless of a Soldier's military occupational specialty, the 2nd Platoon "Knights" will continue to maintain the FOB Justice communications network throughout the duration of the deployment.