ALAMEDA, Calif.—Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) Alameda held a change of command ceremony Sept. 9 when Capt. Kanan Ott relieved Capt. (sel.) Robert Merton as commanding officer in the presence of NOSC Alameda staff, community leaders, family, and friends.
Guest speaker Capt. Michael Steffen, executive assistant to the Chief of Navy Reserve, said hard work and compassion defined Merton’s tenure as NOSC Alameda's commanding officer and his genuine interest in his Sailors catapulted the NOSCs performance.
“He deeply cares about the success of his people up and down the ranks. He gets here early in the morning and leaves late at night driven by his passion to make a difference in the lives of the people he works with and also the mission of the Navy,” said Steffen. “Because he cares so passionately for his people, he is willing to support his staff in not just their professional but their personal achievements. It is obvious that skipper Merton as the leader of the NOSC has created a high-performing team.”
After being awarded a Meritorious Service Medal by Capt. Paul Gilmartin, commander Navy Region Southwest Reserve Component Command, Merton lauded his “A-Team” for the success of NOSC Alameda.
“The achievements of NOSC Alameda are fully realized by the professional expertise and the tireless work ethic of our team, specifically the enlisted Sailors,” said Merton. “We were successful only because of your efforts and because of your incredible support. I am both humbled and honored to have served as your commanding officer.”
Further, Merton expressed the challenges of the NOSC and informed the incoming commanding officer he has the team to get the job done. “Welcome to Capt. Ott. As you have seen, the workload here at the NOSC is extremely heavy and the pace hectic. I cannot promise you that the pace will lessen, but I can promise you this will be a rewarding tour and the reason I can promise that is the women and men of this fine staff.”
Upon assuming command, Ott reinforced the mission of the NOSC, and set a course. “Let me explain the mission of the Navy Operational Support Center Alameda. Our mission is to mobilize Sailors and send them forward, often into harm’s way. A critical part of this is generating mobilization readiness. Quite simply, we ensure our reservists are ready to win,” said Ott.
“All standing orders, regulations, and instructions remain in effect,” closed Ott.
NOSC Alameda was established after World War II, increased activity in the wake of the attacks on 9/11 due to the surge in mobilizations in support of the Global War on Terrorism, and currently hosts 34 units.