Special Warfare Medical Group (Airborne) welcomes new command sergeant major

United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
Story by Capt. David Chace

Date: 03.18.2011
Posted: 03.21.2011 11:32
News ID: 67468
Special Warfare Medical Group (Airborne) welcomes new command sergeant major

FORT BRAGG, N.C. – Command Sgt. Maj. Robin L. Duane assumed responsibility of the Special Warfare Medical Group (Airborne) in a ceremony, March 18, at the group's headquarters on Fort Bragg.

As the SWMG(A) and Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center command sergeant major, Duane will be the senior noncommissioned officer in charge of overseeing all U.S. military special-operations medical training.

The SWMG(A) is one of the Army's only seven active-duty Special Forces groups.

"This is a soldier who brings with him a depth of experience essential to the success of the Special Warfare Medical Group," said Col. Robert Lutz, the group's commanding officer, during the ceremony.

Lutz said he had special trust and confidence in Duane, specifically due to his reputation as a noncommissioned officer with a passion for mentoring young soldiers.

"My top priority is to train and sustain special-operations medics," Duane said. He will also focus on taking care of the SWMG(A)'s students and instructors, and their families, he said.

An Army Special Forces engineer sergeant by training, Duane's purview now includes the initial training and refresher courses for Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy special-operations medical community. Special-operations combat medic training often lasts longer than a year, with additional refresher training at the SWMG(A) required once every two years. As a result, Duane and the SWMG(A) cadre are not only responsible for educating these servicemembers, but also for keeping them sharp as they progress through their careers as special-operations medics.

Duane enlisted in the U.S. Army as an infantry soldier in 1983. Through his career he's served with the 75th Range Regiment at Ft. Benning, Ga.; 101st Airborne Division and 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort Campbell, Ky.; 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, N.C.; and the Dickinson College Army ROTC program in Carlisle, Pa. as a senior military science instructor.

He has recently returned from deployment to Afghanistan, where he served as the command sergeant major for Special Operations Task Force – East, Afghanistan.

The SWMG(A) is a part of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, also located on Fort Bragg, which oversees military special-operations training and education – primarily for Army Special Forces, civil affairs and military information support operations soldiers.