Exploring topics of interest across the Warfare Centers enterprise.
One Team Podcast: 2024 M&S and MBSE Summit
John Romano, head of the Aeronautics, Hypersonic Design & Analysis Branch at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, and Mike Maldonado, lead of the Modeling & Simulation Community of Interest (M&S CoI), preview this year's Modeling & Simulation and Model-Based Systems Engineering Summit, which will be held from July 16-18, 2024, at the University of Mary Washington Dahlgren campus and NSWC Dahlgren Division.
More info: John Romano: john.p.romano19.civ@us.navy.mil or (540) 284-0368; Mike Maldonado: jesus.m.maldonado10.civ@us.navy.mil or (540) 284-7309
Produced by Sheila Mullowney. Edited by Mike DeLuise, Naval Surface and Undersea Warfare Centers Headquarters Corporate Communications.