MC2 Ryan Seelbach is a native of Columbus, Ohio and has an Associate of Arts degree in Supervision and Management from Coastline Community College. He enlisted in the Navy in the summer of 2009 and attended Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Il. from Dec. 2009 through Feb. 2010.
After Completing boot camp, MC2 attended the Basic Mass Communication Specialist Course at the Defense Information School at Fort Meade, Md. Upon successful completion of A-school, he was stationed at American Forces Network Rota, Spain where he did various travel assignments, radio broadcasting and video production. Following this assignment, he was stationed aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), in Norfolk, Va. where he deployed in 2014 for nine months to the Middle East and Mediterranean Sea. Upon completing his first sea tour, MC2 spent two years at Naval Station Great Lakes Public Affairs where he participated in many different roles such as assistant command duty officer for the base and lead community outreach director.
MC2 is currently assigned to USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and leads a team of Sailors in the Motion Media work center of the Media Department. Aboard Ford, he is a maintenance work center supervisor, surface and air warfare qualification signer and runs the sponsorship program for income Sailors to the Media Department.
His awards include, a Joint Service Achievement Medal, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals and a Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal among other personal and unit awards.