Caroline Countryman is a public affairs specialist serving with U.S. Army Fort Riley Garrison. She specializes in command information messaging. She serves as an action officer for routine events and targeted projects for the Garrison Command Team. She produces products such as design products, news and feature articles, newsletters, photographs and
web-based content. During her time with the U.S. Army, she has been awarded for Best News Photo, Best Graphic Design, and Best News Article in the Dave Harris and Keith L. Ware Public Affairs competition.
Prior to this position, she worked for the United States Department of Agriculture, Kansas. She worked primarily with Soil and Water Conservation District Representatives, the State Conservation Commission, the State Conservationist, and the Secretary of Agriculture to promote conservation objectives that promote the agency's activities and missions. She contributed to the nationwide USDA rebranding effort
She began her government service as a public affairs intern with the Natural Resource Conservation
Service. She planned and coordinated an effective public information program throughout the state in providing information on the progress of the NRCS for the development of public involvement campaigns.
She continues her education at George Washington University, Graduate School of Political Management. She has assisted in communications tactics for campaigns for several United States Congressmen.
She graduated top of her class at the University of Minnesota in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Organizational Communications and Public Relations. She was a member of the University Honors Program, Undergraduate Research Team, and Lambda Phi Eta (National Communication Honors Society.)
Prior to arriving at U.S. Army Fort Riley Garrison, she volunteered as a Publicity Chairperson for the 2nd Armored Combat Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, assisting the brigade commander by disseminating information through newsletter, flyers, public announcements at meetings, unit bulletin boards, and social media. She has also served as the interim communications chairman for the Fort Riley Spouses Club.
She was previously recruited as the official storyteller for Military Family Tribute for the unveiling of the first Gold Star Family monument in the country, located at the State Capital in Minnesota. Photographing and interviewing imperative speakers such as: Army retired General Joseph Votel, commander of the United States Special Operations Command; Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton; and more.