The Anaconda Times is a weekly paper published by the 215th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, proudly serving Logistics Support Area Anaconda.
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3d ESC makes voting 'too easy'; Shoulder to shoulder, suicide can be prevented; Q-West leaders promote economic opportunity, self-reliance for Iraqis;... read more
3d ESC makes voting 'too easy'; Shoulder to shoulder, suicide can be prevented; Q-West leaders promote economic opportunity, self-reliance for Iraqis; Bridging the gap; Ruff and tuff news flash: Our eye in the sky; Black Hawk Wingman; Multifaceted maintenance Soldier keeps water flowing to Q-West; Watchful eye; 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) sponsors Patriot Day 5K run/walk; God's Grounds Coffee House opens its doors on COB Adder; Matt Roloff, Star of "Little People, Big World" visit service members at COB Adder; 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Soldiers earn U.S. Citizenshipin Iraq during mass ceremony; Balad airlifters complete 25,000th combat sortie; Servicemembers hit the court for floor hockey
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Resupply from the sky; Engineers work to rebuild, improve Iraq; 2nd/402nd AFSB has change of command; MQ-9 Reaper drops 1st bomb on anti-Iraqi forces;... read more
Resupply from the sky; Engineers work to rebuild, improve Iraq; 2nd/402nd AFSB has change of command; MQ-9 Reaper drops 1st bomb on anti-Iraqi forces; There's Voodoo in the air; 'Kips Bay' air assault brings security to Al Betra; IA, U.S. engineers work together to rebuild Iraq; 'Kips Bay' air assault brings security to Al Betra; Formerly deaf signal Soldier reenlists in Iraq; Iraqi Army medical and dental clinic keeps Soldiers smiling; 536th Maintenance Company keeps vehicles rolling; Look out below; Should I stay or should I go?; Airman joins Soldiers in
real-life 'CSI: Iraq'; Right shoulder no longer bare for support; Not just another convoy; 2008 Olympics: Army instructor holds off co-record holder in sudden death;
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316th transfers authority to 3d ESC; LSAA changes to JBB; Operation to deter weapons trafficking, caches; Part One: Mission to Trebil; Operation Storytime:... read more
316th transfers authority to 3d ESC; LSAA changes to JBB; Operation to deter weapons trafficking, caches; Part One: Mission to Trebil; Operation Storytime: How loved ones keep in touch across the world; 1st SB makes battlefield promotions; 546th sticks it to Soldiers; Indiana NG Soldiers escort convoys under the cover of nightfall; Father's Day sees family support on foreign soil; I want you to know about G-Eyes; Soldiers prepare for DCLP mission; Team Sather fosters relationships with locals; Soldier gets present for Army birthday; 76th IBCT make it happen with IBIZ; Emergency life line; Soldiers face-off Sons of Iraq
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Romanians attend 7th Sus. Bde. CLP Academy; How about a nice cup of joe? ; Iraqi Air Force enhances capabilities with instructor school
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Romanians attend 7th Sus. Bde. CLP Academy, Iraqi Air Force enhances capabilities with instructor school, How about a nice cup of joe?, Dual Adjutants... read more
Romanians attend 7th Sus. Bde. CLP Academy, Iraqi Air Force enhances capabilities with instructor school, How about a nice cup of joe?, Dual Adjutants General visit the 165th, Where eagles dare: Chinook crew supports nighttime raid, 316th Commo Chief recieves Bronze Order of Mercury, Soldiers build rapport with Iraqi citizens, Iraqi Army SWETS it out, Combined patrols help Iraqis assume Baghdad Security, Flight operators go to the operating table in career field swap, Soldiers can learn how-to do it yourself, Women find new opportunities with jobs in Arab Jabour, College basketball coaches bring camaraderie, admiration for Soldiers in "Hoop Talk"
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Toby Keith entertains troops at LSAA; Golden T-Wall Award; Creepy crawlies kept contained;Iraqi Soldiers prove to be skilled mechanics; Indiana National... read more
Toby Keith entertains troops at LSAA; Golden T-Wall Award; Creepy crawlies kept contained;Iraqi Soldiers prove to be skilled mechanics; Indiana National Guard gets down to business; Building bridges to improve relations, economy; Soldiers can now have new glasses in about an hour; Fluffy friends make impression on LSAA; Kicking trash to the curb; Sercivemembers take a swing at softball at LSAA