The Expeditionary Times Staff publishes a weekly newspaper with a primary mission of providing command information to all service members, partners, and Families of the 310th Expeditionary Sustainment Command and its subordinate units, and has a secondary mission of providing a means for units on Joint Base Balad to disseminate command information to their audiences.
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Iraqi maintenance unit trains with U.S. advisors; Long term Vs. short term goals; The Weekly Standard: Facebook and AR 600-20; Combat Stress: Learning to... read more
Iraqi maintenance unit trains with U.S. advisors; Long term Vs. short term goals; The Weekly Standard: Facebook and AR 600-20; Combat Stress: Learning to control your anger; Education center offers degree opportunities for Soldiers; Transporters committed to Operation New Dawn; Soldiers awarded the Purple Heart for actions; Training, quick reaction help protect MRAP crew; Senior leaders hold ruck march encourage morale; Women unite for support during deployments; En Vogue performs show for Soldiers at COB Adder; Soldiers earn yellow belt; Soldier plays key-role as wheeled vehicle mechanic; Soldiers continue on mission at Al Asad Air Base; Sergeant Major trains Soldiers on customs, border clearance; Soldiers continue civilian education while deployed; ‘The Sports Lounge’: NFL Conference Champions; The Green Hornet, a movie missing something special
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Preparation key to convoy support mission; Management for R and R Leave; The Weekly Standard: History of Inspector General; Combat Stress: Learning to... read more
Preparation key to convoy support mission; Management for R and R Leave; The Weekly Standard: History of Inspector General; Combat Stress: Learning to control your anger; Platoon Sgt. brings knowledge, experience to unit; Soldiers perform annual weapons gauging; Training, drills help protect convoy escort team; Goldminers to continue the support mission; Transportation Soldiers build success with PT; Drill, ceremony competition helps motivate Soldiers; Airmen support mission for movement control; We cannot walk alone,
‘Anybody can serve’; Operations plays large role in mid-tour success; Friends, Soldiers brought together during tour; Transporters help sustain force in Operation New Dawn; Soldiers participate in special ceremony for combat patch; ‘The Sports Lounge’: NFL Conference Champions; The American, the sweet life of George Clooney
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540th responsible for drawdown at VBC; Married soldiers reunited for promotion; Interpreter brothers reunited once again.
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MRT supports drawdown, help clean Iraq; Chief supports soldiers, trucks; Leadership goes beyond HETs.
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Chief of Reserve pays troops holiday visit; Army Chief of Staff re-enlists, recognizes soldiers; Service members celebrate holidays overseas.