Published in the interest of the Rock Island Arsenal Employees. The Arsenal Record originally ran during the first half of the 20th century, these editions are made available here for public review.
Unit: | U.S. Army Sustainment Command |
Latest Issue: | 04.02.1945 |
Total Issues: | 10 |
This work, Arsenal Record, must comply with the restrictions shown on
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Play-off game for championship of the Davenport Municipal League between Atlas Cigar, winners of the first round of games. and R.I.O.C. team, at St. Ambrose...
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Col C. A. Waldmann. commanding officer, presents awards for faithful and meritorious service to Arsenal employees, at ceremony on February14.
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You can "Keep Your Red Cross at His Side" by contributing to the Red Cross War Fund Appeal-March 1 through March 31. Your dollars bring "home" to our boys....
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When it's lunch-time at the Arsenal. war workers swarm to the new Post Restaurant. Old Shop B has been transformed into one of the finest restaurants of its...
Unit: | U.S. Army Sustainment Command |
Latest Issue: | 04.02.1945 |
Total Issues: | 10 |
This work, Arsenal Record, must comply with the restrictions shown on