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Hits: 1353
81st BCT is homeward bound; Citizen Soldiers become U.S. citizens; Chaplains: More than just spiritual advisors; An NCO shares her advice; Guardsmen... read more
81st BCT is homeward bound; Citizen Soldiers become U.S. citizens; Chaplains: More than just spiritual advisors; An NCO shares her advice; Guardsmen neighbors share in vital training; See what Soldiers of the 81st BCT have accomplished throughout the deployment; HHB 2-146th reaches milestone 150,000; Find out how one NCO stayed busy; Behind the scenes of the Desert Raven; Free education for military spouses
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Hits: 473
Remembering Spc. Samuel Stone; 81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs;
1-161st Inf. (CAB) Soldier meets President Obama; B Co., 181st BSB takes on the... read more
Remembering Spc. Samuel Stone; 81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs;
1-161st Inf. (CAB) Soldier meets President Obama; B Co., 181st BSB takes on the road; Air traffi c control tower handed over to Iraqis; 1-185th Ar. (CAB) takes it to the ring; Headquarters 81st BCT gives back; Brig. Gen. Toney visits the 81st BCT;
2-146th FA wins deployment award; post deployment opportunities and information
Downloads: 1076
Hits: 1161
81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs; Remembering our fallen heroes on Memorial Day; HQ Co., 81st BCT Soldiers bring college to Iraq; Important notice... read more
81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs; Remembering our fallen heroes on Memorial Day; HQ Co., 81st BCT Soldiers bring college to Iraq; Important notice for Wash. Guard Soldiers; Check out how 1-161st; Inf. (CAB) is staying fit; Learn about great vacation deals for Soldiers; How 2-146th FA Soldiers stay connected to home; Celebrate Asian history month with the 81st BCT; HQ Co., 81st BCT works out with Billy Blanks; Medic keeps 2-146th FA Soldiers healthy; For redeployment and post-deployment information and opportunities check out pages 2, 7, 9, 13, 17, 22 and 28
Downloads: 1346
Hits: 1426
81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs; Remembering the Holocaust this April; A 1-161st Soldier's view of the changes in Iraq; 1-303rd Cav. awards CABs,... read more
81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs; Remembering the Holocaust this April; A 1-161st Soldier's view of the changes in Iraq; 1-303rd Cav. awards CABs, Purple Heart; Soldiers of 181st BSB help Iraqis create livelihoods; 81st BCT Monthly Command Information Newsletter; 2-146th FA Soldiers take over the range; 181st BSB Soldiers keep things running in Adder; Get the most out of your retirement; Find out what HQ Co. has really been doing; 1-161st Scouts lead the way in Iraq
Downloads: 1737
Hits: 1789
UAV Platoon watches the skies of Anbar Province, 81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs, Celebrate the luck of the Irish, Convoy adventures with I-161st... read more
UAV Platoon watches the skies of Anbar Province, 81st BCT's "Year of the NCO" featured NCOs, Celebrate the luck of the Irish, Convoy adventures with I-161st Inf. (CAB), California TAG visits 185th Ar. (CAB), employment opportunities post deployment, Post deployment education options, BDOC operations with TF 146,
California Family Readiness Group information, NFL players visit Camp Ramadi, A civilian's view of what it's like to live with 81st BCT Soldiers
Downloads: 2791
Hits: 2842
Governor Gregoire visits Iraq; Maj. Gen. Lowenberg visits Iraq; 81st BSTB Soldiers offer hope and health; Washington's Minuteman Fund gets a boost;
181st... read more
Governor Gregoire visits Iraq; Maj. Gen. Lowenberg visits Iraq; 81st BSTB Soldiers offer hope and health; Washington's Minuteman Fund gets a boost;
181st BSB Soldiers help keep Balad safe; See photos from around the Brigade; Find out how you can thank your Soldier;1-161st medic saves a life; 2-146th enjoys horseshoes; Washington opens a "one-stop" J-9 center